Day 7: From Endless Universes (Your kiss does not mean the same as mine)

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Since she was a little mermaid, Hinata was always warned not to go to the darkest parts of the sea, especially the holes that could suddenly appear in her path, those were the ones she should most actively avoid.

"The mermaids that go there, Hinata, don't come back" her father warned hers in one of her study sections aimed at making her a great ruler for her people, like hers ancestors.

And, even though she was terribly curious about who - or what - might inhabit those depths, she Hinata was obedient and stayed away from the dark depths.

At least until that day.

That day she had been exploring the vicinity of the great Pyroh - or as people on the surface called it, Antarctica - watching from afar how large chunks of ice fell after breaking off the icebergs to which they belonged.

She was not supposed to be there, not only because her scales, accustomed to the warm Caribbean waters, were especially sensitive to the low temperatures of that place, but also due to the fact that its journey had cost it to pass through two other kingdoms without authorization. , which could easily be a reason for war.

But if no one knew, it wouldn't hurt, would it?

And in general she had being doing well, apart from watching that show, she had played with some penguins and swam with the seals - one of the latter had tried to eat her, but he was young and had not yet learned that mermaids were a big no-no ... She taught him-.

Her problems came when a shoal of fish ran over her as they fled, leaving her disoriented and confused until she was trapped, along with them, in a gigantic metal fishing net. As the net piled them up and lifted them, she pulled out her sharp retractable teeth - somewhat painful from her earlier encounter with the seal - and tried to bite into the mesh to get out, but the material turned out to be very tough, so, already on the surface and before they could deposit them in the gigantic monster that carried the animals from the sea, she broke that trap with her bare hands and jumped, hearing screams in a language she couldn't understand.

As soon as she fell into the water she began to swim at full speed to the bottom, freaking out when buzzes began to pass around her.

She screamed and looked at her fin; there was a metal bar hugging it.

And then she started to get pulled up.

She tried to free herself from it, but she did not succeed until, in her desperation, she ended up pulling on her tail, causing a large cut in it that prevented her from swimming, sinking in her place. More harpoons passed her, and when one of her came straight at her head, she closed her eyes, covered herself with her arms and waited for the impact.

But it did not come.

When she opened her eyes, she remained in darkness.

The pain in her fin disappeared little by little until she could no longer feel it; however, instead of relieving her, it made her more anxious.


It was a voice, deep and masculine.

"Wha ..." she tried to speak, but the words just weren't coming out of her mouth.

"I have healed you" said the mysterious voice "I will help you get out of here"

She felt a webbed hand take hers and make her swim through the darkness.

Despite the fact that she was unsure of that strange voice, she let herself be dragged, fearful of the darkness that seemed to have no beginning or end.

She didn't know how long it took, but an opaque spot began to fade in the distance, getting bigger and bigger until she realized it was light.

She stumbled out of the darkness, her eyes aching from the sudden change.

Upon being able to see again, she turned to where she had come out, finding a large black hole from which a face became visible, gradually emerging a newt whose shoulders and some parts of his face were covered with black scales.

"Have you been the one who helped me?" she asked breathlessly, admiring how majestic that being of darkness looked.

"It was me" se confirmed.

Both were observed each other.

"What's your name?" she asked him, shorter and shy.


She nodded.

She took all the courage she needed to do the following.

"I, Hinata Hyuga, princess of Terath's mermaids, thank you, Sasuke, for saving me from death" she said, and stretched her hands up to cup his face "Please take this gesture of thanks from my part" and having said that, she joined her lips to his.

It was a short contact, but deep, and when she finally pulled away from, she turned and swam away from him, red as a lobster.

As she withdrew from him, he stared at her and reached out to touch his lips.

"Hinata Hyuga of Terath" he repeated, sinking slowly "You will hear from me again, very soon" he said to himself.

Because while in her culture it was a "thank you" gesture, in his it was a marriage proposal, and as a prince in his own right, he would accept and seek out his queen soon to begin the courtship ceremony.

Then, he completely disappeared into the darkness and closed the path he had opened to take her off from his lands.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 08, 2021 ⏰

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