Chapter 15

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Shido pov

After I visited Origami with Indra, I came back to the ship and was called by Reine to discuss something. I find Reine along with Tohka who was glaring at me. We stood in front of a one way mirror.

Reine: Go speak to her.

Shido: Alright then, im guessing Tohka coming with?

Reine nods.

Tohka and I both enter and took our seats.

Kotori: So what is that you want big bro?

Shido: It’s about Indra.

Kotori: What about him?

Shido: It’s just….I feel like his thinking irrationally. He’s never talked about killing people and today, he killed someone without any remorse. I’m not afraid of what he is now, im afraid of what he might become.

Tohka: *pissed* Shut up.

Shido: Tohka?

Tohka: I said shut up!

Kotori: Tohka, calm down it’s alright. *sighs* Look Shido, the reason behind that was, because Indra was thinking logically. While Ratatoskr might not agree with what he did, people like Kyouhei, Reine, Tohka and me do.

Shido: Thinking logically?! He killed someone!

Kotori: But look at what it accomplished.

Kotori pulled out a tablet and gave it to me. It show a green bar that was mostly filled up.

Shido: What’s this?

Kotori: At first I didn’t understand what possessed Indra to do all that, but when he explained what he did, I then understood why and Kurumi states helped me understand his reasons more.

Shido: but still....

Tohka: Listen Shido, you may not like, Ratatoksr might not like it, but Indra got the job done.

Kotori: Tohka right, and besides this is Indra we’re talking about, he doesnt kill people unless absolutely necessary.



Indra pov

I sat on a bench in the swimsuit section of the department store as Tohka and Yoshino were looking around the store as Shido sat next to me.

Shido: Hey….

Indra: I heard what you said to Tohka and Kotori.

Shido: ?!

Indra: Calm yourself. I’m not mad, but you gotta understand, Kurumi placed me in a difficult situation so I dealt with it the best way I could. It was the best way to minimize casualties. If you understand or don’t, I wont blame you. But you need to know, im doing what I think is right and I will do what’s necessary.

I looked at Shido who nodded.

Shido: I understand. But, let me have an input on some of the stuff okay?

Indra: I’ll think about it.

Tohka: Indra! Come look at this!

Shido: Let’s go.

Shido and I got up as we followed Tohka who stopped at a yellow swimsuit.

Tohka: Can you believe how beautiful theses are? Is everyone of them called a Mizugi?

Indra: Yip, in Japanese though.

Tohka: But, what is it? I mean, what are you suppose to do with it?

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