Chapter 5

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*Jessie P.O.V.*

     As the weeks passed I found out that Daniel was going to be competing in the tournament. "So I heard you are going to be competing," I said to him. "Yeah. How did you know," he asked. "A little birdie told me. I hope you have a good teacher," I said. "Me too," he said before walking away. "Weird," I said more to myself. "What's weird," Johnny said hugging me from behind. "Don't scare me like that," I said smacking his arm startled. "Sorry. So what's weird," he asked. "Nothing. I was just talking to myself," I said. "It's so cute when you do that," Johnny said. We went on to our classes and after school I went to the dojo to train.

    "Partner up," my uncle told the boys. They did and I continued my training with the punching bag in the next room. After training I hung out with the guys for a bit. "So what's been going on between you two," Bobby asked. "You didn't tell them," I said turning to Johnny. "I didn't think it was any of their business," he said. "Uhh. Did we miss something," Tommy asked. "Jessie is my girl now," Johnny said wrapping an arm around me. "Yeah. Ok and my aunt is Diana Ross," Bobby said sarcastic. "Sensei wouldn't allow it. He's too protective," Tommy said. "Guys. We are actually together. And my uncle is okay with it," I interjected. "How'd you pull that one off," Jimmy said. "I talked to him. He's just protective because of my past," I said looking down at my hands. "Ohh. A mystery," the boys said inching closer making me uncomfortable. "How about I take you home now," Johnny suggested. I nodded and the ride home was quiet. 

    A few more days passed and I was out with Ali shopping when I felt a pair of eyes watching me. I turned I couldn't breathe, it was George. "H-How? I never told him anything," I whispered to myself. "Jess are you alright? You look pale," Ali asked. I just shook my head. "Do you need to call someone? I'm sure they'll let you use the phone," Ali said guiding me to the register. "Excuse me. My friend here needs to use the phone," Ali said. "Oh yeah, sure. Call anyone you need," the girl said handing me the phone. Instinctively I called Johnny and there was an answer on the third ring. "Hello," his mom said. "Mrs. Lawrence. Is Johnny there? It's Jessie," I said. "Yes. Hold on one moment," she said before Johnny spoke. "Hey there," he said flirtatiously. "He's here," I said. "Who," he asked. "George. I don't know how he found me, but he did. And I'm scared. Please come," I said panicking. "Jessie just breathe. Tell me where you are," he said. "The mall," I said. "Ok I'll be there in ten minutes. Go to the food court and sit somewhere with lots of people around," he said. "Okay. Please hurry," I said before hanging up. "What was that about," Ali asked. "We need to go to the food court," I said. "Jess we already ate," she said with a laugh. "I know that, but I really think we should go to the food court," I said urgently. "Okay I guess we are going to the food court," Ali said confused.

    We reached the food court and sat in a crowded area. "So you going to tell me what is going on," she asked. "Later," I said as I saw Johnny's head bobbing looking for me. I waved and he saw me and rushed over. "Are you okay? Did he hurt you? Where is he now," Johnny fussed. "Jess who is he talking about," Ali asked. "Him," I said seeing him on the other side of the food court. "I'm going to kill him," Johnny said. "No. No one is killing anyone until I get some answers," Ali said stopping him. "George found me and followed me. I don't know if I can face him," I said. "Who is George," Ali asked. "Her ex that beat her," Johnny said holding me. "Oh. Where is he I'll clear the path," Ali asked. I looked to see that he was gone and relaxed slightly thinking he was gone. "You can't get rid of me that easily," George's voice. "Ali. Jessie. Get behind me," Johnny said. "Out of the way ya beach bum. This is between me and my Jess Bear," George said. I could feel my heart racing from fear as Johnny punched him knocking him back. "Blondie's got some moves," he said brushing himself off. "That was a warning," Johnny said. "I see you still don't fight your own fights," George said. Suddenly it was like a switch was flipped in me. I stood up straight as I walked over to him. "Jessie what are you," Johnny began. "I choose to let him fight for me because that would be the fair thing to do, but you want me. Come and get it," I said opening my arms. He walked towards me, going for a hug, and I punch him in the gut. "I said come get me," I said now drawing attention. He came for me again and I sweeped his legs from under him. "Come on how hard is it," I said. He then ran for me and I slid under him. I then did a combo: left punch, right punch, left punch, to the gut the roundhouse kicked across the face. I used so much momentum in my kick that he staggered back and fell to the ground. "You may have been a nice guy before, and I fell for that. But I will not be a victim of your torment any longer," I said before punching him one last time in the face knocking him out.

    "Damn. Is it weird that I'm more attracted to you now," Johnny said running over. "Not really, what's not to like," I said. "Come on let's go," Johnny said.

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