Chapter 1

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*Jessica P.O.V.*

     "Georgie, what is going on with you," I said. "Nothing. What's the matter with you stupid," he said harshly. "George! It's like a flip switched in you. I can't do this anymore. We're done," I said before walking away. "Don't you walk away from me," he said grabbing my wrist. "Let go of me," I yelled. "You don't dump me! You are my girl," he screamed. "George! Let me go. You're hurting me," I cried. "Hey what's going on out here," my brother Alex asked coming outside. "Nothing just talking," he said letting my wrist go. I rubbed my wrist to try and reduce some of the pain as I ran behind Alex. "Then why is she hiding," Alex asked crossing his arms. George didn't say anything he just stared angerly. "Jess, what happened," he said keeping his eyes on George. "He's changed Alex. I tried breaking up with him, but he grabbed my wrist harshly and wouldn't let me go," I said. "Go inside," he said to me. I went inside and watched as Alex pushed him to the ground. He stood up brushing himself off before walking away.

      A few more weeks passed and George would not leave me alone. One day he followed me home and attacked me. When I got home, I walked through the house not making eye contact with anyone. "Hey baby," mom said. "Can't talk. I have homework," I lied. "You normally have you homework done before you even leave school," Alex said. "I'm tired. I'm going to bed," I lied. "Stop. Turn," mom said. I stopped and turned, keeping my head down. "Look at me," mom said. I continued to look at my feet. "Jessica Danielle. Look at me," she said raising her voice. I flinched before slowly raising my head. "Oh my god! Who did this to you baby," she asked running over and touching my cuts and bruises. "Who do you think," I asked. "I'm going to kill him," Alex said. "No I just want to leave here," I said. "Well we can't go anywhere," mom said. "Is there anyone far away from here that I could go stay with," I asked. "Let me go make a call real quick. Alex clean up your sister please," mom said before walking away.

     A little while later she came back as Alex was finishing up my last cut. "Your Uncle John has agreed to take you in until George chills out. You leave in three days," she said. "Uncle John. As in your brother," I asked. "Yes. He is in California so you'll be far away from George," she said. "I guess I should get packing then," I said standing. I went up to my room and packed all my stuff up.the next three days I didn't go anywhere alone and soon my mom and brother were dropping me off at the airport. "Bye baby. We'll let you know when it's safe to come home," mom said as I passed security.

     The plane ride was uneventful and I ended up falling asleep. When we landed I went to retrieve my bags before looking for my uncle. When I spotted him I walked over and he looked at me emotionless. "Hi Uncle John," I said. "Welcome to California, Jessica," he said before turning and leading me to his car outside. "Please call me Jess or Jessie," I said. "Okay Jessie. Before we go to your new home I have a class to teach," he said as we climbed in. "You teach? What class," I asked. "Cobra Kai," he said as we pulled up to a large building with Karate on the side. "You teach Karate," I asked slightly shocked. "Yes. Come on," he said turning the car off. We got out of the car and walked inside where there were a bunch of teenage boys gathered around. "Sorry I'm late class. I was picking up my niece from the airport," Uncle John said. Everyone now turned to look at us and they all began to eyeball me. "Class fall in," he said causing them to scurry around.

      He taught the class karate for the next hour and a half, while I watched. "Before I dismiss you all, I want to introduce my niece," Uncle John said. I joined him at the front of the class before he spoke again. "Class this is my niece Jessica Peters. I expect you all to treat her with respect," Uncle John said. "Dismissed," Uncle John yelled before going to his office. "Jessica. I'm Johnny and these are my friends, Bobby, Jimmy, and Tommy," the blonde around my age said walking up. "Please call me Jess or Jessie," I said. "Well welcome to the valley," Johnny said throwing his hand forward causing me to flinch. I saw my uncle notice and looked back at Johnny. "Sorry," he said. "It's okay," I said. Soon they left and I was alone at the dojo with Uncle John. "So you want to tell me why you flinched back there," he asked. "I'd rather not talk about it," I said. "Your mom didn't tell me much, but she did tell me there was some problems with your boyfriend," he said. "Ex-boyfriend," I interrupted. "Oh. So you going to tell me what happened," he asked. "He changed so I broke up with him. Then a few days ago he jumped me," I said.

     "Well then you best learn how to protect yourself," he said. He waved his hand towards the mat and I took off my shoes before stepping on. A couple hours passed and I was starting to get the hang of it and he then moved me to the dummy. "Good very good," he said watching me. "That's enough for today," he said.

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