(1)After the battle

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I sit in the front seat as Happy drive Peter, Tony and I home. The car aches with silence as I keep my gaze set out the window.

"What are you doing, a little video diary?" Tony asks Peter as they sot in the back seat.

"Yeah." Peter replies shyly.

"It's alright, I'd do the same thing." Tony says.

"I told him not to do it, he was filming everything. I'm gonna wipe the chip." Happy says annoyed.

"You know what, we should actually make an alibi video for your aunt, anyway. You ready?" Tony says as he removes his glasses. "We rolling? Get in the frame."

Peter readjusts himself to have him and Tony in the camera frame.

"Hey, May! How you doing? What are you wearing? Somethin' skimpy, I hope." Tony says followed by his own laughter.

"Ew." I groan quietly as I roll my eyes listening to them.

"Okay, that's inappropriate, you can edit that out." Tony says. "Three, two, one. Hey, May. My gosh, uh, I wanted to tell you what an incredible job your nephew did, this weekend, at the Stark Internship Retreat." Tony lies.

"Everyone was impressed-" Tony gets cut off my Happy's road rage.

"Come on! It's a friggin merge, I'm sorry." Happy says.

"That's cause your not on Queens boulevard." Tony says.

We finally pull up to Peter's apartment.

"Alright. Here we are. End of the line. Whoops." He says and slams on the breaks and causing us all to jolt forward. My already aching body didn't not appreciate this.

"Jeez, Happy." I mumble.

"Happy. Could you give us a moment?" Tony asks.

"You want me to leave?" Happy says, confused.

"Why don't you grab Peter's case out of the trunk?" Tony suggests.

"I can keep the suit?" Peter asks quietly with wide eyes.

"Yes, we were just talking about it." Tony clears his throat. "Y/n/n, you listening?" He asks me.

"Kinda hard not to." I say, refusing to face them. 

"Y/n is going to be your role model here." Tony begins. I suddenly and quickly readjust in my seat and face them.

"What? Tony, you didn't talk to me about this." I speak up with a hint of frustration. Feeling a lot of frustration.

"You two will stick together, Y/n will answer any questions you might have. You guys can do some training, or patrolling." Tony goes on. I roll my eyes and sigh as I sit back in my chair.

"Wait, does that mean I'm an Avenger?" Peter asks.

"No..." Tony gets interrupted again by Happy knocking on the window.

"Is this it?" Happy asks and holds up a case.

"Seventh floor." Tony says.

"I can take that. You don't have to." Peter says.

"You'll take it?" Happy asks through the window.

"Yeah, yeah."

"Thank you." Happy says and glares at Tony.

"So, when's-when's our next, uh... 'retreat', y'know?" Peter asks.

"What, next mission?" Tony says.

"Yeah, the mission. The missions."

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