~Chapter 1~

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It had been about a year now, or at least that's what it felt like. It could've been three years or even three days, we wouldn't know. You lose track of time during this. Me and Megan had been through so much during this apocalypse. We lost our family, our moms, our dads, everyone. We were all that was left. The last of our generation and there was no hope of surviving much longer. We had little food, little water. We had a backpack filled with about two cans of corn, two canisters of water, a gun, and rope. With the low supplies, we were always running, looking for something to keep us going. But we were all we ever needed for each other.

"How much longer do we got," I said as I dragged down the empty streets of Georgia.

"About two miles, wanna rest?" Megan sighed as she basically fell over onto the grass. We both never really had anything to talk about, other then the depressing conversations of how we had lost hope in humanity and that we didn't have much time left.

"So... Any findings lately?" I asked already knowing the answer.

"Not really, except for this." She pulled out a picture, not even of her. It was of a family of three, all dressed up in there Sunday best. There was a boy, about 10, short brown hair and the most deep blue eyes I've ever seen. He was an adorable little kid.

"Why do you have this? Who even is this?"

"I have no idea actually, it just, I dont know, it kind of called to me. They seem so happy, so close, its such a tragedy that their happiness had to be ruined by this 'situation'."

I had been used to her finding random knick knacks or toys. One day we went on a run to get some more food and she came back with no food, only a single yoyo. I didn't get her sometimes but I loved her. But this time was different, there was something about this family that called to me to, I didn't understand it either but it did.

"Weirdly enough, I love this picture. It reminds me of how the world used to be. I still remember it like it was yesterday. Waking up every Sunday at 8 o'clock to the smell of bacon and pancakes. Eating those delicious treats with my family. We would all take turns saying grace and what we were thankful for. God I miss them." A single tear dripped down my cheek.

When i realized this I quickly wiped it away and said, "Come on, lets not sit here and let ourselves down. Lets get to that store. You never know, maybe they have some chocolate or something."

She smiled, I hadn't seen that in about a month. It makes me happy. We have those moments were we just tune everything out and focus on each other. It wasn't always a good thing. As she stared getting up, I grabbed her hand, helping her.

"Thanks" she said softly. "Even though its the end of the world, its still nice to have manners," I said chuckling. She smiled again and we set off.

It had felt like ages but we finally arrived. A little corner store called, Franks Corner Market, kinda cheesy right? But we walked up to the door knocking, which would attract all the dead ones to the front. As we waited for a minute we heard a loud thud on the window behind us. Only two. We pulled our pocket knives.

"You get lefty, I got righty, okay?" I kind of giggled at this. Dont even question why but how she called them lefty and righty. It made me smile.

I opened my pocket knife and nodded at Megan to open the door. As she yanked it open, I ran up to 'lefty' and dug the blade in the center of his forehead, causing him to fall over. As I started to put my blade away, about six or seven more dead ones came out of the store. They mostly all came towards me. My heart started racing as I backed away quickly, screaming at Megan to help me. She couldn't get to me, she had one of them trying to get her. I thought to myself ' this is it, you knew it was coming, sooner or later. You couldn't if lasted for ever.'

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