The Revelations

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The temporary CIC

They all settled around the table in the conference room that had been converted temporarily into a CIC. Rollins and Harrington sat next to where Adam and Kono were and got busy plugging in their laptops and USBs to call up the relevant reports they had with them. Dr. Kusanagi was also seated closer to their side but was busy on her own highly advanced-looking laptop that didn't seem connected to anything.

'She must have already paired up with the system before we got here,' Steve figured.

The three bosses found seats at the head of the table, with Sumner ending up in the middle. The lawyer seated himself to the CIA directors' right. Danny maneuvered himself to sit between Higgins and the Marine Captain Cadman, earning sour looks from both of them. He gave them both a charming smile that did nothing to soothe the feathers he ruffled by his dick move. Cadman smiled right back with flinty eyes that promised painful payback at the first opportunity. Steve took his seat beside Sheppard with a much-relieved sigh. He did not need a repeat of their journey here with Danny sitting next to him again. Bates sat close to Kusanagi, and they were ready to begin.

"We will start with the locations. If one of you would pull up a satellite map of the region in Afghanistan and put markers on the places we've had action, please?" Colonel Sumner suggested, looking at the area where the LTs and the agents were seated, which Steve mentally labeled, 'the Analysts' Corner.'

The projector screen in front of them came to life with the requested map of the region. The village that SGC had secured was marked with a black circle. Kusanagi also put a marker at the crash site with the same color, since the target had been an SGC chopper. She also tagged details such as the name of the village, population, names of the agents taken into custody, and names of the personnel who died at the crash site. She left the name 'J. Smith', tagged with 'MIA' at the crash site as well. Steve glanced at Sumner and then Sheppard curiously. They hadn't found anyone else except for the bodies and Sheppard. Then he saw John giving him a tiny headshake, indicating that they'd get to it later.

Rollins then marked the 'Valley of the Lions' with a yellow circle and she added the number of neutralized terrorists and the apprehended ones. Then she zoomed out of the region and re-focused on Libya. She circled the location of W-F7/24A - Detention Facility and added the names of the agents killed by the recent attack. She also added the three names of the terrorists, Anton & Victor Hesse and Wo Fat, since they'd been inside the facility during the attack as well. Then she reset the map to focus on the Afghanistan region again and connected the three sites in Afghanistan in a rough triangle, adding distances to each place, completing the picture.

"Ok, so according to this, those two villages are about thirty miles away from each other. But they are both right up against the Hindu Kush mountains. We sealed a couple of cave entrances that went right through the mountain - some were leading towards the Valley. Was it the same at the base you raided?" Colonel Sumner directed the question to Steve.

"Yes, Sir. I caught one of them when he was just about to disappear into a cave system in the mountains. We sealed those entrances before we left the site as well. We couldn't risk blowing it up and causing landslides as we did with the rest of the base," Steve replied.

"A secondary team was sent there a few days later to survey the cave system. They found a maze in there that was leading in several directions. They were still there when I left Bagram. They're clearing the tunnels slowly looking for booby traps and such. So far they haven't really come up with anything." Joe White added to Steve's report. " I believe it's the same there at the cave system in the village you secured?" He inquired Sumner.

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