The Origins of Wraith

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Hello, everyone!

This is the third chapter of the 'A Legacy Left Behind' series. The story is complete and I will be posting as I finish editing with the help from my Beta, Salchat.

Thank you ever so much again - Salchat, for your time and unending patience. Your comments, suggestions, and corrections are enormously helpful. I'm learning a lot about writing from you. You are a wonderful person!

If there are any mistakes left, they'd be mine.


Officers Quarters

Level 14



Sheppard returned to Cheyenne Mountain after his visit to Hawaii around six in the evening. He thought about taking a nap after a quick shower, deciding to go for dinner a bit later. When he finally settled on the bed, he found that he was not sleepy at all. Even though the long journeys to Arlington and then Hawaii had left him feeling physically exhausted, his mind was still stubbornly active. So he decided to spend some time on his required reading. He had a ton to catch up on after all.


'So, Colonel Carter was right. They had only known about the Wraith for about ten months.'

John reflected as he read that particular mission about Sumner's entanglement with the alien menace. He had a comprehensive summary Dr. Jackson had put together from all the data they had gathered from the Outpost and other sources, open on his PDA, to compare notes with Sumner's report.

Aftermath of Battle with Anubis

Few weeks after the initial discovery of the Outpost


The Marine teams had been conducting thorough searches in and around areas of the Antarctica Defense Outpost when they had come across the much smaller and somewhat older facility. It had been buried under the ice. But a wayward explosion that caught the area had caused half of it to become visible from the ground.

The unfortunate team of four Marines who had gone inside to search and secure the building had never made it back. The two hibernating Wraith Drones had woken up the moment they had entered the facility and fed on them before they could even utter a call for help. Colonel Sumner had been in the Outpost at the time co-coordinating the teams for security for exploration, science projects and helping to activate some of the Ancient equipment when he had felt the change overcoming him in response to the attack.

(He had written the mission report with unusually vivid details. John guessed that this was probably because they needed all the information in order to educate everyone on this newly discovered threat.)

It had taken several hours of brutal fighting between the two Wraith Drones and eight more Marines with Sumner on the lead until they had managed to neutralize the threats. There had been three more fatalities and everyone else had acquired varying injuries before it was over.

After securing the area of the attack and the facility, a team of scientists had gone in and downloaded whatever information they could from the old lab. And then they had leveled the facility to the ground, not wanting to take further chances.

This millennia-old information cache had been the SGC's discovery of the 'Species of Wraith.' The meticulous Ancient experimentation logs had shown how the pet project of the few overzealous Alteran scientists had gone terribly wrong and out of hand.

A Legacy Left behind - The Origin StoriesWhere stories live. Discover now