"Empathy. A heart, Markus," I explained, "he will need to see that men can be vulnerable and you can show him that feeling is alright. That is not just a woman's duty. Understand?" I pulled him back, from the ledge and we fell down; he atop me.

"I am ashamed, Aya," he cried into me as I finally decided to relax and breathe. He was safe in my arms now and forever more; I had to ensure we would stay together. Forever.


"Aya, it is nice to see your face," he awoke and I kissed his brow. "This new life is exactly what you need, Markus. For it will be the grandest of them all," I moved onto our sister.

Although she was the youngest, I feared for her the most of all.

She was innocent and naive as they came, she was only a child when our world came crashing down and fate forced my hand; I wished we had more time together, but with the right guidance she would be ready.

I opened her coffin and stared at her beautiful face. How would she survive in the century? It seemed as if the rigid rules of womanhood were so different and she was just so curious all of the time. How could I protect her now?

"Where are we?" she looked around and I helped her out as Markus appeared. "Come sister, you need to sit and adjust," he explained and I smiled at him. As per usual, Markus came to rescue her.

I turned to the last coffin and felt my heart race.


I betrayed him when I forced his hand at Angelina. I couldn't help the searing jealousy. He loved her more than his family. More than me, and I wouldn't stand for it. I had hopes she would stay in her lower ranks, but she sunk her claws in my innocent brother and tainted his heart.

I was afraid to awake him; would he remember what I forced him to do and awake forgiving? Or would he try to leave us once more? Leave me behind when our new world was beginning?

I gave him the blood and he looked at me.

My heart broke as I saw the tear that escaped his eyes.

"Marcel," I spoke softly and he sat up, quickly escaping his coffin. "I need a moment, Aya."

"I know," I sighed, "but you must know you did the right thing. The family is always first." "As always, you are right, Aya, but I need to mend my broken heart. Do you know how hurt I am?"

"Aye," I nodded, "you are not the only one to have your heart broken, brother." "I fear that you have never loved as I did. She was important to me and I broke her heart and handed it to you. So, you must NEVER doubt my loyalty."

I lowered my head, temporarily as he vented to me.

His tone caught the others and Michael appeared before me; as always defending me as I had defended him all those years ago. "Marcel, enough," he spoke up, "Aya has saved us. Saved our name." "You are not a Samosa," Marcel sneered, "you are a mutt."

"No, Angelina was a mutt. She wasn't pure. I may not have the same mother as you, but my father was Alan Samosa and that will never change."

"A mutt has caused such distrust and pain in our family," Malachai added, "Marcel, you must know that she would have never belonged. You will find another." "I am afraid I won't ever love again," he shook his head and ran off.

"Leave him," I raised my hands, "let him heal in peace. Let him mourn over the mutt; when I need him, he'll know."

Little did I know that was the last I would ever see him until now.


I walked around my room; playing with my necklace as my mind wandered.

Random thoughts passed through as I let memories flood in.

"Deep in thought?" I turned to Marcel entering my room. "Yes, I am afraid so," I sighed, "what are you doing here?" "I am here to talk to you, sister," he closed the door, "I heard of the tiny victory."

"Here to mock me?" I grew defensive but he raised his hands. "I knew you'd win some way, you're smart, Aya. Always have been," he walked over to the window and sat beside it. "What are you getting at?" "There is no need to be defensive, Aya. I am over Angelina; it took time for me to forget her, but I know in my heart what I did was what had to be done." "Good," I nodded as I walked over to my mini bar, pouring us two cups of scotch.

"I hated you," he continued as he rushed over to me, my hair blowing in my face from his speed. "I wanted to hate you forever, but I kept thinking of my sister. The sister that wanted nothing more than to succeed. The sister that warned me of getting 'attached'," he grabbed the cup and downed it, "and I felt pity for you." "You pity me?" I slowly sipped on mine as I listened to him.

"Aya, all of these years and all you've ever thought about was the Samosas," he explained, "when have you ever done anything for yourself?" "There's a lot, brother, that you know nothing about. I had a life before I was a Samosa. Father kept a lot from you," I licked my lips as he poured himself another drink.


"Aya." "Yes, father," I tried to control my tears. "Hide your brothers and sister," he struggled, "this is my night." "Father, just hold on, please." "I cannot, but I have faith that you will do what needs to be done to ensure our name continues." "Father," I shook my head, "I cannot bare that weight. The Samosas are over, father." He grabbed me and I jumped at his strength as he brought me to his face.

He was dying; I smelt it and I wanted to vomit. "Aya," he looked me in my eyes and I couldn't dare look away. "You are the strongest Samosa. I know what you have done to honor this family and protect your siblings. I am proud that you are my eldest, but now my fight is over." "Father," I continued, as my tears started to fall. "You will find a way to ensure that we will win in the end," he chuckled and let me go; using one of his hands to brush my hair back. I grabbed his hand to steady it. "I will, the world will grow to fear our names once more. I swear it."


"I guess that conversation will be for another night," he chuckled and finished his second drink, placing it firmly on the table. "Just watch your back. That little lover you have is nothing but trouble. I know how it feels to love a mutt, it's a dangerous game you're playing, Aya," he leaned in and stared into my eyes.

At that moment, Monte walked in and Marcel smiled and rushed out of the room.

"What was that about?"

"Family drama, what is it?" "Oh, hostile?" he chuckled, walking toward me, brushing my hair back to kiss my neck. "Seems as if someone needs a break," he grabbed my hands. "No, I need to be alone. What is it, Monte?"

"Fine," he let me go and poured him a drink, "I think it's time you come clean." "With what?"

"You killed Elena for the cure. Why do we need it?"

"Because the cure might work, but if I get it, it'll truly be the end of the world."

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