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Life with a baby and toddler is a busy one. both keep you on your toes, one gets into things out of curiosity the other is just new to the world.

But this is the life I wanted the life I picked and I am not complaining one bit. I love my son and daughter. I love how they are, Abel with his curiosity and little Amethyst with trying to figure out things like her toes.

Abel gets a kick out of watching Amethyst when she tries to figure things out. 

the other day I had her laying on the floor on a her fluffy baby mat that had different baby toys hanging from it and she was only interested in her little toes.

"mommy look Jewel is playing wif her toes" Abel says

I looked over and see that Jewel was grabbing and pulling her toes which made Abel laugh.

I walked over and sat beside Abel as we watched Amethyst.

"she's curious about what they are and how come when she pulls on them her little body lifts up" I explained

"it silly," Abel says

"Yea it is silly" I agreed before leaning over and kissing him on his head.

"you were a curious little warrior as well but with your fingers, always had them in your mouth," I tell him

he looks up at me and smiles.

"Really?" he asked

"Yea, daddy thought it was funny how one minute you would be interested in a toy and the next you were trying to figure out what fingers was and would always stick them in your mouth. "

He smiled and turned his attention back to little Jewel who by now was gumming her toes.

Abel started to laugh at that.

"What's so funny bubb?"

Abel gasped as he jumped up and took off towards his daddy.

"Daddys' home" Abel says

I carefully scooped up Jewel as she kept gumming her toes.

"Hi bub" Jax greeted as she picked up Abel and gave him a kiss.

Abel wrapped his little arms around Jax and gave him a great big hug.

"sissy eating her toes" Abel says

Jax looked over as I walked up to them and chuckled.

"I see that" Jax says as he walked over and gave Jewel a kiss on her forehead then gave me a kiss.

"Hi baby" he greets

"Hi hunny" I replied

We walked back into the living room and I placed Amethyst back on her little mat as Jax sat Abel down beside her.

I looked back at Jax.

"hungry?" I asked

he walked up to me and wrapped his arms around me.

"Not for food" he murmured as he leaned close and kissed me softly.

"just a few more weeks then we can fully play. till then you'll have to settle for * I leaned closer to his ear* oral" I whispered the last part

"when can I have that?"

"when the kids take a nap."

He looked at me when I pulled back and nodded.

"deal" was all he said before he headed off upstairs to get cleaned up while I decided that we can do take out tonight.

Once the kids were down for a nap I went in search of my man and found him relaxing on the couch. he was wearing nothing but sweatpants so it made what I was about to do easier.

I walked over not saying a word as I knelt before him and watched as I sat his beer aside and pushed his sweats down revealing him being Comando under em.

"was waiting for this huh?" 

"damn right."

I smiled as I leaned up and kissed him softly before pulling back and doing just as I told him I would.

I started off teasing him with a few kitten licks here and there before I ended his suffering with one of the greatest blow jobs he's probably ever had and ever will have.

I'm here for you (not edited) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now