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My first warning to Tara apparently didn't get through her skull so after getting an asswhopping she left town just like she had last time minus breaking Jax's heart.

So with her out of the picture I didn't have to worry about her trying to weasel her way in mine and Jax's life.

Now I can fully focus on my husband and son.

Jax and I take turns visiting Abel when the other is busy. & when we cant go Gem is right there with him of course.

time is drawing closer for us to be able to bring him home. He's had so much improvement it's beyond amazing. 

I've checked everything that we could need for him or may need for him.

"Hey what are you doing?" Jax asked as he walked into Abel's nursery 

"I'm just making absolute sure we've got all we need for our warrior" I replied as I checked and rechecked it all.

Jax picked me up over his shoulder and walked out.

"Jax. come on" I say

"We'e got everythingand with the amount of time you was in there you made sure of it by checking over and over. so just relax" he says

he sits me on the bed and knelt so he was eye level with me.

"I know your axious for him to come home and want to make sure there is everything he'd ever need in that room. trust me I'm the same way. but you got to relax or your stress yourself out and wind up in the hospital and miss his home coming which mom is throwing a party" he says

sighed as I scrapped my teeth over my bottom lip before nodding.

"Leave it to Gem to throw a welcome home party for an infant" I say

"if she didn't she'd not be my mom" he says

He gets up and sits beside me on the bed and lays his head on my shoulder.

"I had always dreamed and pictured this for us. I mean a lot of little girls dreamed of their future and who they hoped to marry. Some prince charming or knight in shining armor. But me I wanted my sexy biker in leather with stunning blue eyes" I tell him

"I wasn't a biker when you left" he says

"I knew you'd not be a boy forever and I also knew you'd be in this life since you was born and raised into it."

He kisses my shoulder before pulling back and wrapping his arms me as we lay there.

"to be honest I pictured this for us as well. grant I didn't think my life would  involved me knocking a junkie up or marrying one. but of you and I married and having a family."

I looked at him and brushed some of his hair back before smiling.

"regardless of how either of us pictured our future when we was younger. I'm happy with how it is." tell him

"Me too" he assured me

Nothing else was said as we laid there curled up in each others arms.

Next day, while I was elbow deep in car oil Jax and the others, was doing church while Gem was handling the office.

"Hey Alyana I'm gonna go grab lunch with everyone. any requests?" Gem asked

"anything you want to get me as long as it comes with a large Dr.pepper" I replied

"You got it. lets go half sac" she called out.

After they left I finished up what I was doing and moved on to the next part.

"Excuse me" I hear

I look over and see a woman standing there dressed business like.

"Yes can I help you?" I asked

"I need to talk with an mechanic" she says

So I stand straight wipe the sweat from my brow and wiped my hands off before walking over to her.

"I am one" I tell her

She looks me over then shakes her head.

"Whats your car issue?" I asked

"My son's car broke down at Charming high so I need someone to tow it and tend to it. making sure you fix it and don't fuck it up" she says

"Ma'am we do everything perfectly we wont mess up your car. we are certified mechanics" I assured her

"Yes well get it taken care of pronto" she says before walking off.

"What's his car. I need the whole info before you scurry off" I called after her as I pick up the clipboard with the sheet i needed to fill out.

She huffed and looks at me before telling me all the car details then left.

I shook my head as I finished filling out the paper work.

"You alright Alyana?"

I looked over and seen Tigs.

"You know how these goody snooty people are." I replied

"sadly" he says

"Whos towing?" I asked

"Opie and Jax"he says

"thanks" I say then walked into the office where Opie was.

"alright ops I got a tow for you" I tell him and hand the paper to him.

"did they tell what was wrong with it?" he asked

"Nop just that her son's car broke down at the highschool" I replied

"Right. i got it" he says

I smiled in thanks before kissing Jax and headed back to work.

I'm here for you (not edited) (Completed)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora