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"I love you so much Gennie," he says

"and I love you baby daddy" I replied

he looked at me wide eyed which I got a kick out of it.

"for real. no bullshit?"

"real as our love for each other."

He grabbed my face and pulled me close kissing me with everything he had.

"When ... how.. what... oh my god I'm gonna be a dad."

he sat up and ran his finger through his hair. I stay up and rested my chin on his shoulder before pulled back for a bit and kissed his shoulder.

"you're already a dad."

"don't get smart. you know what I mean."

I chuckled

"I'm just trying to lighten the mood Jax your freaking out."

"I'm not freaking out. I just never thought this day would come. I mean yea I knew it happen eventually with all the sex we've been having and all. but this soon" he says

I sighed and laid back down for a short bit before I moved the covers off me and headed for the bathroom.

Once I finished up doing my business I walked out and slipped on my nightwear.

"Where are you going?" 

"We have talked about having kids. hell, you said when I was ready to let you know. and I said when Abel is close to a year. well, he is and I'm pregnant. yet you're thinking it's too soon. so I don't know what's gonna happen."

With that said I walked out of the room checked on Abel then headed downstairs.

"So your not gonna talk about this?"

"What is there to talk about. it's not like we are fighting."

"No but you're pregnant and we need to talk about this. come up with a plan and everything."

I sat on the couch and he sat beside me.

"I don't want to plan anything besides doing my damndest to have a perfect pregnancy. so that way should anything go astray then I won't have to say well there went that plan."

"Best plan."

"Are you sure you're ready for this?"

"I know me going from shocked then freaking out was not what you probably thought my reaction would be. but I'm happy and really ready for this step in our lives. hell this will be the first pregnancy I got to witness of my kids. and I know you wont do anything fucking stupid like drugs to fuck them up or risk their lives." 

"I honestly wanted to strangle Wendy for what she did while carrying Abel. but had I don that then I'd been doing life in prison and missing out on his life and this life we have."

He smiled and pulled me on to his lap having me sit side ways and turned my head to face him.

"we will let through this. and come hell or high water I'll keep you safe."

"I only ask that you keep staying faithful to me even when I am so big I can't see my toes and when I'm the biggest bitch due to my fucked up emotions and hormones. I ask that you not get frustrated with me when I get frustrated over the least littlest things."

"I can't promise half of that. but will do my damnest to try."

I leaned my forehead against his and closed my eyes for a bit before reopening them and kissing Jax on his lips. Pulling away only when Little Warrior started crying.

"The sounds of our little Warrior" I joked as I moved Off Jax's lap and headed upstairs with him trailing behind me.

"Awe come on little warrior. mommy and daddy are here, no need for fussin" I tell Abel as I scoop him up and get him to calm down a bit before I place him on the changing table and check his butt.

"Ok there is a need for fussing cause you got a dirty butt" I say making Jax laugh as he grabs and hands me the items I need.

Once I changed Abel's butt and got him redressed I picked him up and handed him to Jax who headed downstairs and got Abel a bottle and came back and sat with him in the rocking chair.

"See, we've had plenty of practice so when we do have our little one we will be practically pros."

Jax looks up at me and nods in agreement.

I walked over and give Abel a kiss on his forehead.

"Goodnight my little warrior" I whispered before I turned my head and kissed Jax.

"Good night baby daddy," I say

"Night baby momma," he says

I smiled before I walked out the door stopping only to look back watching Jax tell Abel that he's gonna be a big brother.

I'm here for you (not edited) (Completed)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن