Top or bottom (MHA Ft: LOV + Ghost)

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Shiggy: Soooooooo I have a question Toga?

Toga: Yea?!

Shiggy: Are you a top or bottom?

Toga: What type of question is that?!

Shiggy: Top or bottom?

Dabi: She's probably a bottom.

Toga: I'm not a bottom! What type of question is that! I'm the top one. *gets grabbed by the chin and gets pulled towards someone*

Ghost: 1

Toga: *blushes*

Ghost: *leans closer* 2....

Toga: *blushes hard*

Ghost: *leans even closer, lips are close* 3....

Toga: *Blushes even harder*

Ghost: *pulls back with a smile*

Toga: *blushes with hand covering her face* M-Maybe I am a b-bottom.

Ghost: *kisses forehead*

Dabi: Honestly... I ship you and crazy.

Ghost: We got a problem dear.

Toga: hmmm?

Ghost: The girl hero in trainings found out about my "crush" on you.

Toga: That's okay, as long as they think it's just a hopeless crush on me, we are fine.

Ghost: Alright.

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