prologue; regulus black & athena evans

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The day that Lily Evans got her Hogwarts letter was an astonishing surprise for the entire family. They hadn't had the same encounter with Petunia, their eldest daughter, and only experienced a few mishaps with unexplainable things, which wizards and witches would call accidental magic.

Of course, a kind witch named Minerva McGonagall showed up at their doorstep in Cokeworth, ready to explain everything, and guide a wide-eyed Lily Evans through the Wizarding World. Along with informing the family of a whole other world just beyond their comprehension, Minerva told them about the unfortunate occurrence of Petunia being just a muggle—something to which they were concerned whether it was a bad thing, and Minerva quickly countered that it wasn't, but the way she handed them the news was everything but opportunely.

Luckily, she also informed them of their youngest daughter already being registered as a Hogwarts candidate, and the Evans parents were once again uplifted despite the one unfortunate circumstance. But every time they asked Petunia about her feelings, Petunia told them that she felt nothing but gratitude, and wanted absolutely nothing to do with the "freaks" as she called her two sisters.

Petunia and her parents weren't the closest after that.

That day, Minerva McGonagall was nice enough to give Lily a tour of Diagon Alley, as well as Mr. and Mrs. Evans and their youngest named Athena—Petunia already made sure she was going to be away for the day, hanging out with her elementary school friends.

Mr. and Mrs. Evans made sure to pay excellent attention to everything they saw, as well as Minerva's every word, as they wanted to be completely prepared for their daughters' foreseeable future in this whole other unfamiliar world.

Lily and Athena ran around like crazy, their almost identical green eyes shining with pure interest and excitement, wondering how they ever missed something so completely and utterly incredible as magic. They were constantly grabbing each other's hands, pulling each other this way and that, saying "Look here!" and "What's that?"

Two years later, after two full summers and Christmases of waiting and hoping to hear all about the magical school she would be able to see with her own eyes, Athena was boarding the Hogwarts Express with her heavy trunk and a determined look on her face.

Athena had only felt fear a few times before in her life. But those small incidents like falling off her bike or tumbling down the stairs were nothing compared to the sheer terror she felt when the Sorting Hat called, "SLYTHERIN!"

Athena had heard the stories her older sister had told her about the Slytherins, and how all they did was insult others and maliciously bully whoever they could. Athena could faintly remember Lily explaining to her that she had to ask a professor what a "mudblood" was once, and did not receive a great reaction from them.

So, Athena was rightfully terrified when she stood up from the stool at the front of the hall, and began her trek towards the house laced with green. She knew that as soon as her last name was called out for everyone to hear, they'd know that she was a muggleborn, and that feeling of vulnerability was something that Athena completely dreaded as her name was revealed. And that dread had returned as soon as she was nearing the sneering Slytherins, and she knew immediately that her years wouldn't be greatest compared to others'.

But what Athena remembered most about that night wasn't the dread, nor the delicious feast, most definitely not Dumbledore's odd speech, but it was an interaction with one of those sneering Slytherins in her year.

"A mudblood in Slytherin," a boy had said to her as soon as Dumbledore's speech was over, and everyone was free to speak as loudly and as rudely as they pleased.

Athena had turned to him, raising an eyebrow questioningly.

The boy was quite handsome, she had to admit. His robes were new, just like hers, but they were definitely the most expensive ones in Diagon Alley, perhaps even not even from there, as their trimming was much too exquisite to be sold in a store on a cobblestone street. His hair was black and very curly, but somehow the mess of tangles seemed to be completely structured, and Athena had figured that he had had it styled, or that his mother fashioned it herself—and she had to admire the work.

His eyes were a pale blue, almost grey, and she could see all the specks of dark grey in them as well, even from where she was sitting across from him diagonally.

Halting her little observing session, Athena had nodded in agreement. "How very observant of you. Were we stating the obvious? Because if we were, I wasn't informed," Athena had retorted with an innocent head tilt, staring intensely at the boy.

The Slytherin table had suddenly quieted, but the silence felt deafening to Athena, who continued to gaze at the boy, who suddenly seemed significantly less confident than before. But the boy had composed himself quickly, hiding any trace of weakness like he had been doing it for years.

"I wonder how your muggle parents are going to feel about you and your sister's separation," he had wondered aloud calmly, beginning to pile some food onto his polished plate. Athena had stared at him curiously, awaiting for him to give his point. He cut a slice of steak mannerly and stabbed it with a fork, brought it to his mouth, and chewed, not once looking at Athena.

Athena had waited patiently, but she couldn't restrain one eye roll of annoyance.

"I mean," he began once he was finished chewing and dabbing his lips with a napkin, "your parents must have heard things about us, I'm guessing?" The boy had smirked, a deviously attractive thing for an eleven-year-old. "All bad things, I hope."

Athena had chuckled because he was completely correct. Mostly all Lily spoke badly about were her interactions with Slytherins, and seemingly being one and wearing a green tie, Athena felt a little bit of trepidation at what her sister would think of her. But she had her back to her sister at that moment—who sat at the Gryffindor table surrounded by friends—, and she couldn't give the boy the satisfaction of her uneasiness and of him being right.

But Athena couldn't think of anything to respond to that, but thankfully, the boy had continued, "Because I wonder what they will think of their daughter being with those people—being one of those people." The boy paused. "And what about your sister? How do you think she'll feel about her baby sister having the same traits as her nasty bullies? Sirius has told me a few times about Potter's little mudblood girlfriend, and how she's been a target because of her dirty muggle blood."

Athena recognized the name. Lily had told her how a group of four boys had constantly defied every school rule and pranked everyday like it was their last day on Earth, probably breaking every school record ever set—especially the one for most detentions, if that were a real thing.

So, putting together what Lily had described each member to look like, Athena had concluded that this was Regulus, Sirius's younger brother. Lily had only found out about him because Remus Lupin had told her, as they had become study buddies, sharing the same interest in reading and learning.

Knowing her opponent a bit better, Athena had decided to ignore his last contemplations, and instead went at him from a similar angle. "I bet your parents are proud of you," she began, feeling a bit satisfied when Regulus's smug smirk dropped. "I bet they felt betrayed when Sirius got into Gryffindor. They do consider him a blood traitor now, don't they?"

Athena had smirked when Regulus's jaw clenched angrily.

"The infamous Regulus Black. The brother of a blood traitor. That's what I've heard. 'Tis a bad thing, I suppose," Athena had finished, now grinning at Regulus as he tried desperately to control his temper. "Oh, were we not stating the obvious anymore? I didn't realize."

"Knock it off, you two," an older student had said, unknowingly breaking the thick tension, and halting their little—but not so innocent— banter in an instant. But their eyes were still locked on each other, icy grey clashing with earthy emerald.

Athena supposed that that was one way to start her years as a Slytherin at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

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