That's when she saw the name Mrs. Lola Michaels. She stood from her position and walked over to the grave. "You know, he is the only one who visits me out of all my children, and he seemed to be quite in love with you." Melodi looked to her right and saw the lady that she met at the camera shop.

"This is you, your Caleb's mom." The lady smiled, showing off her dimples. "Guilty as charged." Melodi looked back down to the headstone. "My son wanted me to help him, help him find his answer, but he didn't know that you were his answer all along." Lola whispered.

"I use to love him." Melodi saw Lola shake her head slowly. "You still love him, your just torn, your little hybrid friend has saved your life more than once, and to be honest, he is just as broken and bruised as my son, but all Caleb wants is to hear you say that you forgive him for his mistakes, and that you love him."

Melodi looked up to Lola, Caleb's mother, the lady who told her to make him smile more, and teach him the love that he forgot existed. "What about Ethan?" Lola nodded and looked up to the night sky, full of stars. "He just wants you, when your auntie took care of him, he only showed his vampire side, then you show up, and he is now showing off the magic, the wolf."

Lola looked at Melodi. "You don't know it, but you have just saved two lives, and the promises that you made with the two, that was sealed with a kiss, will keep them together, so even though you seem to be leaving, they will take care of each other, just like you wanted, they won't hate each other anymore, and they have so many memories of you, it will last them a lifetime."

Lola smiled. "Melodi Richardson, you are an angel in disguise." Melodi looked at the gate, where Zaria was waiting. Lola followed her gaze, Zaria was kicking rocks and looking up at the sky. "And that girl right there, will use the power that you have for evil, if I were you, I would get rid of her as soon as possible."

Melodi looked down to the picture of Lola, she was smiling, happy. "And that girl that Ethan has, is not the one for Ethan." Melodi kept her eyes on the portrait. "Who is?" Melodi looked at the white rose. "I think you know." Lola whispered.

The wind blew and Melodi closed her eyes. "He is just my best friend, he sees me as a hybrid that needs protecting." The wind stopped suddenly, "Now we both know that this is not true, and just for a moment, think about it, he is right now in the arms of someone he doesn't want, and the one he does want is leaving, and might never come back."

Melodi put her head in her hands. "That's not what he was thing when he was in bed with her." Lola sighed and kneeled beside the girl. "That's because he was trying to prove to himself that he doesn't see you the way he was suppose to, he loves you hon, and right now, waking up and not seeing your face first will be the worst thing that he will experience."

Melodi opened her eyes and looked at Lola. "Melodi, you have to keep an open mind about this, you are leaving behind not only two people that desperately need you, you have a family, two packs, and a little girl that is intertwined in your life so much that you would love to be with her now."

"And think about it, if Ethan woke up and came here, asking you to stay, would you? Because your silence tells me you would."

Tears stung Melodi's eyes. "And being with that girl will get you nothing but killed, and tortured." Melodi's mind jumped to the memory of the when she was captured by strangers that put silver on her skin, tortured her, just so they could reach Ethan.

Melodi screamed in pain.

"WHERE IS HE!" The figure yelled at her.

She kept quiet.

"Maybe we should let you suffer."

The silver was placed in Melodi's side.

She cried out.

"You can't save him Mel."

"Maybe it's time you see that."

Melodi sighed and nodded. "But she is my best friend, she would never try to hurt me...." Melodi looked back at Zaria, who was no where to be found. "Where did she go?" Melodi whispered. "Maybe you should go see for yourself." Lola put her ghostly white hands on Melodi's.

Melodi stood up and took one step, before looking back at Lola. "How come I am the only one who can see you?" Lola smiled. "I can be seen by many, but only the people that have a link to me can see me and hear me." Melodi nodded. That made sense she guessed.

"Well, goodbye Mrs. Michaels." Lola rolled her eyes. "You think I am just going to let you go alone, I may be a ghost, but I can call on sleeping bodies that are stronger than the moons pull to the tide faster than you can imagine."

Melodi laughed and nodded, walking to the gate, following the scent of Zaria.

But that was a big mistake.


Well, I just wrote this whole thing. I am really excited for the next part.

And I want to thank you all just for reding my book, because it's not easy putting a story together.

I love you all,


The Returned Mate (BWWM) |TO BE UNPUBLISHED AND EDITED OCTOBER 2016|Where stories live. Discover now