Defective person

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     People get lost in illusions, dreams...and in general, life is fine, but our inner self is constantly missing something and now there is a process in the world when people lose their individuality and become mechanical dolls, the one who falls out according to certain criteria is lost in society and this affects his life. Now is a great time, we are progressing, opening new horizons and uniting, but we sacrifice our individuality so as not to become outcasts. The most important thing in this idea is not to lose yourself, as well as goals and ideals.

Chapter 1 

The "fall" 

     Now 2130 and we have an ideal world, crime is at zero, there are no wars, there is no opposition and there is a complete copy of world leaders and celebrities, the birth rate is fully controlled and always kept at the level required by the government. Indeed, everything is going as it should, with the exception of one, but. 99% of people are "living dolls" who show emotions on command and how we came to this I can not understand. Although up to a certain point I was the same. A mediocre "living doll".It all happened in the morning, a banal day and suddenly stumbled, a cliche from a book, but still there are coincidences. A blow and that's it. After waking up, I looked around and it was as if something had changed in me, the world had acquired different colors and outlines, but people seemed to have outlived themselves, fakes or a pathetic resemblance to the original.The thought slipped through my head that something was wrong with me, but while I was in prostration, I could not fully understand what was happening and went to study as usual. I walked and realized that the world is so colorful and funny, I had the realization that life is beautiful, and everything that happens around gives the realization that you are still alive and you can move mountains. But something has been bothering me until now, these people who met me on the way, ordinary passers-by, there was no sense of life in them. It was as if they were living out their last days of life, which were stolen by vanity and inequality. I began to wonder: "After all, I was like that." I did not understand beauty in small things and completely lost myself against the background of people who had authority and their own individuality. And all this was like a snowball rolling through my head on the way to school. And I had the idea that I need to discuss what happened with my comrades. And I began to try to get to the place as soon as possible.

Chapter 2


     Upon arrival, I wanted to enter the audience as soon as possible and tell about what happened today, I was overwhelmed with emotions and I wanted to share this feeling with others. But after I entered, I did not notice my comrades, only their pathetic semblance. And with the time of reflection, I came to the point, my comrades are no different from passers-by, they are like one another and do not have their own peculiarity, "zest". I started going over everything in my head again, and over time all the people around me turned gray, thus reflecting that they had come to terms with the fact that they were copies of other people, people without feelings and joy of life. "Live dolls" ...Suddenly I felt funny, and I laughed, the whole audience looked at me like an idiot and it amused me more, the people who were looking at me did not understand what was happening, and even the teacher was in a stupor, but I pulled myself together, apologized and calmed down. Because of the surprise and shock in the audience, no one found fault with me. And I began to understand that the society in which I lived until today is beginning to reject me, it was very interesting to watch this process.No one spoke to me that day, not even the people I considered "friends". It was an extremely difficult day, as if I had fallen out of reality and it seemed to me that this world was fake, or it was just a stupid dream.

     After finishing classes, I went home, and on the way I observed how fleeting life is, but at the same time beautiful. But my heart was not calm, it seemed that I had found success, but its price did not justify itself in all aspects. When I entered the house, I felt uneasy, the place that I used to think of as a sailboat of complete security seemed to me like a sinking boat that would soon be swallowed up by the ocean. I accepted this and started doing everyday things, but I couldn't help feeling that I started noticing small details that I wouldn't have paid attention to until today, in fact, a terrible feeling. It's like you've lost a part of yourself and replaced it with something inexplicable and unique. I tried not to dwell on it and continue the day as usual, and after a few hours I realized that boredom began to envelop me, the routine absorbed me, although this never happened. There were a couple more changes, my always clogged house seemed empty and not native. And I began to realize that something really strange was happening to me, but I did not pay serious attention to it. Before going to bed, as I went to bed, unusual thoughts crept into my head, which I thought would not have pressure on me, but for some reason today they mentally destroyed me. But still I managed to fall asleep in the morning.                                                                                 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 08, 2021 ⏰

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