Noah is awake and quiet for a little while longer until he begins to whine and whimper. "I think he's getting hungry" Dakota pouts, jumping up the side of the pool and sitting on the edge with her legs in the water. She smiles, taking him from me. I swim over to her and stand between her legs, watching her and keeping an eye on Charlotte too. She gently unties her bikini top and begins feeding Noah. He drinks for around twenty minutes until he decides he's had enough.

She passes him over to me and I burp him carefully on my chest whilst she adjusts her top again. "I think I might have to speak to somebody.. I'm not sure I'm giving him enough milk.." she pouts, talking quietly and if I'm not mistaken there's a hint of sadness in her tone. "Why do you think that?" I frown a bit and she sighs. "I just don't feel like he gets much.. maybe we should make an appointment to get him weighed.." she says and I nod; kissing her cheek.

"He's happy, he doesn't cry for More so I'm sure your definitely doing it perfectly fine" I say for reassurance, though I know she won't believe me, she's doing a great job with breastfeeding even though she had trouble with him latching on to feed to start with. "You always know what to say to cheer me up" she smiles, kissing me softly as I sit beside her on the edge of the pool.

"Maybe you could try expressing some, so you can see how much he gets" I suggest and she nods. "I think we still have the pump that I used with Charlotte, we can give it a try" she smiles, kissing me again as she stands. "Here I'll head inside with Noah, get him changed so he doesn't catch a cold. You and char can play for a bit longer if you want" she leans over to take a sleeping Noah from my arms. "Okay baby" I grin, tapping her ass as she walks off inside.


Me and Charlotte play in the pool for a little while longer, until she let's me know that she is getting cold. I help her out and then she holds my hand as we walk inside. "mmm yummy" She grins, running off into the kitchen with her towel around her, as she smells dinner cooking. I chuckle and follow her, seeing Noah asleep in his rocking chair on the floor and Dakota stood by the stove stirring something in a pan. She's changed out of her swimming clothes and is now wearing a baggy sweatshirt with some leggings.

"Something smells amazing" I grin, standing behind her, my hand over her hip as I softly kiss the side of her face. "I'm doing dinner for Char..." She smiles, turning her head to me. "Pasta bolognaise" She grins. "Why not us too?" I pout and she giggles. "Because you can sort the kids out for bed tonight, I have a surprise for you" She grins cheekily and I raise my eyebrows slightly. "Oh really?" I smirk and she nudges me whilst she chuckles. "Not that kind of surprise" She sticks her tongue out and I laugh, kissing her softly on the lips before helping Charlotte sit at the dinner table.

I decide to do a bit of reading with Charlotte whilst we wait for her dinner to be done. Dakota hums to herself in the kitchen and looks over at us with a smile every so often. I love days like this, but I wish Dulcie could be here more to spend days like this together. We haven't had chance to see her for a few weeks now as she went back to London for Amelia's work schedule, It upsets me everyday but I try to not show it to Dakota or Charlotte, because I know they both miss her too.

Dakota distracts me from my thoughts when she speaks. "Char do you want a bit of cheese over your pasta baby?" She asks  "'lease mommy" She grins; nodding her head fast. Dakota giggles a bit and I chuckle too. "She loves her cheese" I laugh and Dakota nods. "You can tell she's our daughter" She giggles and I laugh, packing Charlotte's books away when Dakota places her plate in front of her.

"fanks mommy" She grins, tucking into her food straight away and eating it nicely. I watch her until Dakota sits herself in my lap, her arm around my neck as she watches Charlotte too. "So what's my surprise later?" I ask and she grins. "You'll know later" She giggles and I pout; smiling when she kisses my pout softly. "You're such a tease" I chuckle, stroking her thigh softly as Charlotte looks over to us. "All done mommy and daddy" She grins, tomato pasta sauce all round her mouth.

Damie (Dakota Johnson & Jamie Dornan) - You're The One...Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu