Chapter Eight: When Ghosts Of Your Past Come To Talk

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┌────── ☆⋆A/N Start⋆☆ ──────┐

✦ This chapter includes themes of death, and non-intentional self-harm.

✦ I feel like I should mention that this takes place a few days after chapter seven.

✦ Enjoy the chapter! ✨

└────── ☆⋆A/N Over + Chapter Start⋆☆ ──────┘


This question lingered in Errō’s mind, and no matter how hard they tried, no matter how much they yelled, it would not just disappear. The question refused to be pushed into the deepest darkest corner of their mind and simply be forgotten.

"Why did you leave? Why did you leave them? Why would—"

“SHUT. Up!” Errō begged, slamming their hands over their ears. Stringy globs of tears ran down their cheeks, dampening the pillow that rested beneath their head. They curled up pitifully as they sobbed, their voice being reduced to a pathetic, glitched-out whimper. They wished that N1gh+m@re was here. They wished that N!gh×mar3 was here…

"Why weren’t you stronger?" The grating voice asked.

Errō’s fingers curled into their head, harshly digging into the back of their head yet not being able to draw blood: human skin was tough, they’d learn, especially when it was your own.

Dandelion stirred, lifting up his head and staring at his human from the end of their bed. Letting out a small cooing sound, he picked himself up before waddling over in front of his human’s face and gently nibbling their nose. He moved his body so that he was laying under Errō’s arm, wriggling his head under their hand to prevent them from scratching at themselves too roughly.

Errō took in a gasp for air as they were allowed to think clearly for a second. Taking an unconscious note of their feathery companion, who made his way under their arm, continuing to quack in a soft tone, clearly trying to comfort them. It was working a tiny bit but didn’t completely bring them out of their thoughts.

"You’re so pathetic. You could’ve stayed longer for them. For him. But you didn’t, you cared more about yourself than Nightmare, your, Nightmare."

Errō shook their head desperately, denying the cruel words that pushed their way into their head. It wasn’t true. “I did try! I swear I did!” They pleaded in a thin voice.

"No. You didn’t. You didn’t even try for them. All you cared about was yourself!" The voice in their head accused.

Its words taunted them, repeating the same thing over and over again. It was painful. Their thoughts betraying them. They knew that the voices, or Fate, whatever it was, couldn’t reach them; not here at least. Even then, they can't run from their thoughts, not like they could run from the voices in the Anti-Void.

But oh, how they wished they could.

Dandelion quacked and nibbled on his human’s face, just under their eyes. Forever persistent even as Errō attempted to bat him off. Dandelion knew what he was doing; he didn’t like it when his human was like this; he didn’t like that at all. It hurt him in a way. In a duck kind of way. It wasn't something that he could understand or comprehend, but he knew that he didn't like his human hurting themselves.

"Quit it!" Errō hissed, but Dandelion was persistent until they predictably gave up and rolled onto their back. They stared at Dandelion and sighed. "You're a horrible, horrible duck." They muttered.

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