Max nodded and started typing. Nino looked around at the stacked boxes around the apartment. They were ready to move back to Paris as soon as Adrien was going back. Speaking of which.... "Where did Adrien go?"

"He said he was going up to the roof for a while. Félix rang and said he would be coming around later and Adrien said he needed some fresh air."

Nino left his girlfriend and Max to continue the hunt for Marinette and went to seek out his best friend. Opening the door to the roof of the apartment block, Nino pulled his coat collar up to protect himself from the biting wind outside. Ahead, he could see the silhouette of Adrien against the sunset, his legs dangling over the edge and the wind whipping through his blond hair.

"Living a bit dangerously on the edge there aren't we." Nino said, sitting beside him cross legged. "You don't have your Miraculous anymore, remember."

Adrien didn't respond, but looked down at his hand. Spinning his wedding ring around on his finger. Nino could see the dark circles under his best friend's eyes and the three day shadow on his face wasn't doing him too many favours either.

"You look like shit man." He said, earning himself a snort in return.

"Gees, thanks." Adrien replied, rubbing an eye with his palm.

"Someone's got to say it. Not sleeping huh?"

Adrien shook his head. "I can't seem to sleep without her now." He lamented. The two sat in silence for a while, before Adrien spoke again. "Alya needn't waste her time." Adrien said with a heavy sigh. "I know Marinette isn't in Shanghai."

Nino gave Adrien a concerned look. "You think she went to New York?"

Adrien looked out at the London skyline, the sunset setting the sky on fire in orange and yellow. "You know I asked her to marry me against the sunset." He said, taking out his 'Marinette lucky charm' from his pocket. Closing his eyes, Adrien let a tear slip down his cheek. "I felt like the world couldn't touch us then, not Shadow Moth, not my father, nothing. It was just us against the world."

Adrien opened his eyes and looked at his best friend. "I know she's in New York because she would have gone to someone she trusts. Someone who could keep her secret."

Nino shook his head. "Dude, no way." Adrien looked away from him back at the sunset.

"I know he will take care of her." He said with resignation. Nino grabbed his arm.

"Adrien, you can't seriously think Marinette would hook up with Luka? Not after everything that's happened between you two."

Adrien looked back down at the charm in his hand. "He still loves her, I know he does."

"Not like you do man." Nino insisted.

Adrien gave him a sad smile. "Maybe it wasn't enough." He said, pain evident in his voice. "To find out my father was Shadow Moth, I can only imagine how betrayed she must have felt..."

"She would never have blamed you."

"I know." Adrien conceded. "But I was her Chat Noir. I was the one who was supposed to protect her. If she couldn't feel safe with me, then maybe Luka can do what I couldn't."

Nino shook his head. "Don't do it Adrien."

Adrien looked back at Nino. "Don't do what?"

"Don't give up on her." He urged. "Don't stop loving her."

Adrien let out a humourless chuckle. "I couldn't even if I wanted to." He said honestly, looking up to the sky. "I'll love her to the day I die. She's part of me, Nino, part of my soul.  No matter how far away she is, I'll always love her, only her."

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