Chapter 11

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"Mama, Papa, we're back!" Marinette called out as her and Adrien entered the bakery. They had already dropped their luggage back at their apartment (yes, Adrien carried her through the door as he promised) before coming over to see her parents.

Mylène had greeted them at the door as they came in and congratulated them on their marriage. News spread quickly over the weekend, but Adrien and Marinette had switched off their social media, choosing to just enjoy being with each other without looking at the running commentary of their romance. For his part, Gabriel released a very brief statement that he welcomed Marinette to the family and that he was very happy for the couple. Adrien knew for a fact that the statement had been written by Nathalie, so he wasn't going to read too much into it.

Sabine rushed over and gave them both a big hug. "We didn't expect you until this afternoon. Tom, come down, the children are home."

"Mama, we aren't children anymore. I'm a married woman now." Marinette said it teasingly, but something reflective flitted through Sabine's eyes. There was a glow in her daughter's face, a grown up glow. She was indeed not a child anymore.

"A mother doesn't stop being a mother when her daughter gets married." She reminded Marinette gently. "She just opens her heart to welcome new family members." She patted Adrien on the cheek with a smile as Tom came over to scoop them both up.

"You should have called, I would come to pick you up from the station." He beamed with delight.

"We didn't want to put anyone out." Adrien said. "We just got a taxi."

"Well, you should both stay for dinner." Sabine suggested. "We are already missing you two being in the house."

The chime above the door rang and Adrien and Marinette turned at the sound of Sabrina greeting Mylène at the counter. It struck Marinette that Sabrina wasn't her usual cheerful self when she would come in, her eyes downcast and her greeting far from enthusiastic.

"Chloé would like three chocolate eclairs, six chocolat macarons with orange ganache, two pains au chocolat and one crème brûlée tart. Please charge them to the mayor's account."

Marinette looked at Adrien stunned, but Adrien had a deep furrow across his forehead.

"Is that normal?" She asked. "I don't recall Chloé ever making an order like that unless she was hosting some kind of party. Surely that isn't all for her."

"She's emotional eating." He said with quiet reflection. "I remember her doing it when her mother would leave to go back to New York. It's been some time, but that's what it is. Sabrina would know that too."

Marinette looked back over to Chloé's friend. It was clear that Sabrina was worried.

"Then you better go and see her." She said, putting her hand in his and looking up at him. "I felt something was off with her last week and I think she needs a friend right now."

Adrien leaned down and gave her a soft kiss. "I'll be back before dinner." He said softly before chasing after Sabina as she left the bakery.

Sabrina told him on the way to the hotel that Chloé and Luka hadn't officially broken up, but it was clear that he wasn't coming back to Paris any time soon. Since she hadn't gone to America with Chloé, she wasn't sure about the details of the relationship, and she couldn't get a lot out of Chloé about it. Adrien wondered if him going there was going to be of any use if Chloé wasn't even confiding in her best friend, but Sabrina assured him that if Chloé would open up to anyone, it would be him.

Sabrina opened the door of the penthouse suite and they found Chloé sitting on her lounge, her feet curled under her as she looked out the vast windows. The hanky in her hand and her puffy red eyes were enough to tell Adrien that she had been crying.

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