What they do on your period.

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- He gives you lots of food
- He rubs your stomach to help relieve cramps
- You just watch movies together all day long

- He doesn't know what to do
- He gets you pain meds because he doesn't want to see you in pain
- He is very scared of you so he doesn't touch you
- He just sits near you

- He's terrified of you
- He doesn't understand why you have a period
- You cuddle and watch movies

- He makes you tea
- He makes you a hot water bottle for your cramps

- He knows exactly what to do
- He makes sure you have your meds every few hours
- He gets you chocolate because he knows that helps cramps
- He cuddles you because he knows that's what you want

- She's a female
- You definitely sync up
- You cry and eat a lot of food together
- You watch sad movies and just ball

- He is grossed out at first but once he gets used to it he's fine
- He let's you scream at him
- Will get you food

- His mama raised him right
- He knows that you just want to stay in and relax
- He will make you go outside and sit on the porch for a few minutes to get air
- He cuddles you and rubs your stomach

- He compliments you because he knows you feel ugly
- I don't really know I feel like he wouldn't want anything to do with periods so he might leave you alone

- This boy would know everything you need
- I mean like everything

- You synced
- First she makes you exercise
- Then you take long warm baths( not together.)
- And then you just cuddle and watch rom coms

Authors note: It's 2:03 AM.

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