How they react to you letting go of their hand while walking.

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Charlie- He notices as soon as it happens. " Hand, now." He would say in a commanding voice. You automatically give him your hand because your kinda scared.

Fulton- He notices automatically. " Babe, why did you let go?" You giggle and give him your hand back. This makes him smile. " Thank you."

Adam- He would notice so quickly. " Are you mad at me?" You intertwine your fingers back with his. " Good."

Averman- Doesn't really notice at first. After a little bit he does. He kinda just cocks his head in a confused way. You grab his hand back and he smiles.

Guy- He notices almost instantly. He looks down at it , but he's to shy to say anything. When you grab it back he's really happy.

Connie- She gets mad. " Give it back." You place your hand in hers and she smiles.

Dean- He'd notice so fast. He'd look at you so strangely. " Babe?" You quickly grab his hand and then he sighs in relief.

Dwayne: He'd notice as soon as you did it. He would just look at you all sad. When you grab his hand back it's the greatest moment of his life.

Luis: He wouldn't notice at first but once he did he'd be really mad. " Give it back now." You give your hand and he says " Thank you very much."

Julie: She would notice so fast that your head would spin. She'd give you a questioning look and then grab it back.

Ken: He'd be so gutted when he realized . You quickly grab it back and then he looks really happy.

Mighty Duck preferences Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora