+ chapter eleven +

Comincia dall'inizio

"What about the rest of the people? Like Russians, Australians, etc. like I know that you only have American citizens, but what if they were American citizens and also from Russia?"

Xander waited until he swallowed before answering. "The President of the United States advised us to stay away from American citizens that were on vacation, if that is what you mean. The women that were chosen were living in the country for a fair amount of time; none of the women taken were here for holidays or vacations."

"Oh," she mumbled, eating silently for a couple of minutes before she said, "do all the people in your planet look the same? Like you said that your galaxy has a couple of planets and whatnot. Do those people look different? Like here Africans look different than Asians and whatever."

He placed his eating utensils on the plate neatly and dabbed a napkin against his lips. "There are eight different planets in our galaxy. There is Xrion, Nandrix, Anyla, Krete, Entyo, Faixa, Griod, and Onyx. We are from Xrion," he pushed his plate to the side and unlocked the computer system from the table. A hologram of the galaxy quickly appeared and he pointed to a planet with rings surrounding it.

"It looks like Saturn," she mused, placing her empty plate beside her and grabbed her cup of Sprite.

"Unlike Saturn," he cleared his throat, "there is life and the rings are not made up of rocks, dust and ice particles. The rings were built as stationary places for the warriors. I lived in one of them with my parents. Each warrior must live in them for at least a year before being sent to the ground for another year and they continue the cycle."

"That's cool," she mumbled, taking a slow sip of her drink.

"This," he pointed to the planet next to Xrion, "is Nandrix. The Nandrians do not look like us. Their eyes are slightly slanted on the sides and they are usually shorter than us by inches. They usually have lighter coloured hair and pale-like complexions."

She grimaced. "That doesn't sound...attractive."

He chuckled, clicking on the planet and three folders popped up. He clicked on the middle one and then scrolled past some symbols. "This is what they look like." A profile of a Nandrian woman showed up and she narrowed her eyes.

"Of course, she's freaking gorgeous."

Xander laughed and nodded, returning to the screen with the other planets. "This is Onyx. Your people would consider them barbaric; they have tan-like complexions with dark hair and bright green eyes. This is what and Onixian looks like."

The picture of a man with sharp teeth and a brooding glare showed up and she widened her eyes. "He looks...intimidating, but still good looking." Alexa lowered her voice, even though he could still hear her, "You still look better than him."

He flashed her a grin and said, "This is Anyla. Their people have light complexions with very light green coloured hair or white blonde. Their eyes are pitch black and they have no iris, this is because they are the furthest from the yellow star."

"It's called the sun," she giggled.

He narrowed his eyes. "That is what my people call it. Nonetheless, the sun appears for only ten hours, making it very hard for their crops to grow. For this the Anylians are very good at creating light; their powers excel with it for they need it to survive."

After showing her a picture of what a woman would look like, she turned to Xander and said, "They look like vampires."

He frowned, not knowing what she meant, but continued explaining the remaining planets. "Krete is this planet here," he pointed to the one closest to the sun, "their complexion is very dark, but their eyes are the lightest blue we have ever seen. The Kretians' hair colour is usually brown or black and they are about as tall as us. Since they are the closest to the sun, they excel in the gift of water for they need it to survive."

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