Chapter 1 : The Server

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Disclaimer: Hetalia and the characters used in this story do not belong to me, and rightfully belong to Hidekez Himaruya

Most people believed that working as a person who served others wasn't a good job, because no one wanted to serve, they wanted to be served. Of course, not everyone got to be so lucky as to have that roll. But Lukas Bondevik didn't want to be a server. Having his family pay thousands of dollars to send him to America to make something of himself, the Norwegian entered New York City with nothing more than a violin and high hopes. Hopes that would soon be gone.

All his life, Lukas had one goal: To become a professional violinist. All his life, he'd worked towards that goal. All his life, he thought that he'd make it. But it really all came up to one audition. This audition would determine whether or not he made it into World Of Talent, a prestigious University that gave people from all over the world a chance to become famous. One audition that would either make Lukas' life great, or make everything he ever worked for a waste of time.

There the Norwegian stood, violin in on hand, bow in the other. Bright lights shined on his face, making Lukas' heart beat faster than it ever had before. He slowly brought his bow up to his violin and took a deep breath before beginning to play. He did his very best, but didn't yet know if his very best was good enough.

It was two weeks since that audition, and Lukas had been anxiously waiting for his letter in the mail. Every single day he checked, even though the mail wasn't even delivered every day. And then, it came.

Lukas ripped it open, reading the first line. That was all he needed to read before he could feel his heart drop. He hadn't made it. All his life, working towards one goal, only to find out that he wasn't good enough.

Lukas called his parents and told them the news, asking if they could give him the money to go back to Norway. They couldn't. They told him that he still had a chance, and that he could still do great things, but they were all lies, and Lukas wasn't going to believe any of it. He couldn't do anything, not with his confidence shattered the way it had been..
Day after day, he looked for places that needed employees. Day after day, a new interview. Day after day, Lukas got denied a job. Every day, he walked past a construction site, that was building something that hadn't been revealed yet. But finally, it was clear. They had been building a Starbucks.

"Yeah, as if there aren't already enough of those floating around town." Lukas said, rolling his eyes. That was until something had caught his eye. A number, one to call in case people wanted to work there. Immediately, Lukas put the number down on his phone and went back to the small apartment that his parents had rented for him. Of course, that was only for a few months, and Lukas would have to pay his own rent soon.

It took a while to actually get someone to read his resume, and even longer to get an interview. But Lukas was able to get a job there. He'd taken on long hours to be able to pay for all his finances, but he'd be able to manage. From that day forward, Lukas had built a life for himself. It was a humble one without many other people, but it was what Lukas had, and he was content with it.

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