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i feel like adrien is very ooc, if he is please tell me. beta read by me because i was too scared to share this with anyone prematurely-


ADRIEN WAS HIGHLY AWARE OF THE FACT THAT YOU DIDN'T LIKE HIM. He was also aware that it wasn't because of anything he had done; it was because you didn't like rich people. Although, he didn't know why, but he wanted to find out. 

He was tapping his hand, his eyes looking over to the clock every few seconds. The class was going by far too slowly to be real, it felt as though the whole world had slowed down but no one told him about it. He wrote down a few notes, listened to some things the teacher was telling him, and was relieved when the bell finally rang. 

Everyone left and today, you were in the lunchroom. You were still sitting with Rose, Juleka, and Ivan, but at least it was better than the art room. He was going to go up to try and talk to you, but a familiar voice stopped him from doing so.

"Adrikins! You should come eat with me!" Chloé latched on to his arm, softly pulling him towards her friends. She was eating with Sabrina and Kim, although he could see that Lila was starting to walk towards them.

Lila hugged Sabrina's arm to her chest—although Sabrina looked as though she wanted to be elsewhere—and said, "Yeah, come eat with us Adrien!"

Adrien looked over to where Nino was, wanting nothing more than to go over and eat with him—and talk to you. "I think I'll be eating with Nino today, but maybe tomorrow," he looked down at Chloé as he made the promise. She sighed and her hold on him loosened, before she eventually fully let go.

"Fine, but you better sit with us tomorrow," she walked over to Sabrina and pulled Lila's hand off of her, staring her down. Obviously there was some bad blood between the two, and yet they still hung out with each other.

"But Adrien, it'd be a lot nicer with you there," Lila placed her hand on her waist and stuck her bottom lip out, if lying was her weapon than her face was the hilt. "Can't Nino eat with you tomorrow instead?"

Adrien tilted his head down and put on a shaky smile. "Sure, let me just tell him," he waved behind him as he walked away. Nino already had a knowing look on his face as Adrien walked up, and his arms were folded. "Chloé wants me to eat with her today, so can we eat together tomorrow instead?"

"No sweat, dude," Nino seemed chill with the whole situation, a carefree smile soon made a home on his face. Adrien was glad that Nino was so easy-going, it definitely took some anxiety off of his shoulders. "Although you better not flake tomorrow."

Adrien smiled as well, "Wouldn't miss it for the world," and with that, he walked away. While he felt bad for leaving Nino like that, he was sure to make it up the next day. He just had to get through this lunch with some other people. Adrien would make sure to enjoy himself, after all, every situation has a brighter side to it.

Adrien did not enjoy himself.

He didn't mind Chloé, he grew up around her and was mostly used to her antics. Everyone else was very annoying to him. Kim was constantly showing off and flirting with Chloé, while she'd wave him off and gossip with Sabina, and then Lila kept talking to him about things he knew were lies. Adrien was a firm believer of giving everyone the benefit of the doubt, and he really did want to trust Lila, but something told him that if she was a model—like she said she was—he would've heard her name come up at some point.

Still, he wasn't going to go and embarrass her like that, especially in front of Chloé, so he went along with it. Maybe he was enabling it, but he could talk to her later about it. One-on-one. When there wasn't anyone else around to hear it.

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