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I woke up to a loud sound downstairs, I got out of bed and headed downstairs. I slowly entered the hall and slowly walked to where the sound was coming from, when I suddenly stopped in my tracks when I heard my brothers door up, to my relieve it was him, which to my concern he just woke up considering from the look of his eyes which were unreadable.

"Mattheo" I whispered,"Did you hear that." I whispered again, Whispers of someone talking where heard downstairs. "Yeah i did" he mumbled. "We should take a look" I called, "Sure" he added. We headed down the steps to see where the whispers where heard from, to my concern my mom and dad where talking to men who wore all black with hunting gear attracted to there pouch which was behind there backs.

"Mom" I cried, All the attention suddenly came to me , I suddenly had a lump in my throat from all the attention and swallowed to try to avoid the feeling but it didn't help. 

"What's going on" I stuttered, "Kids go back to bed, everything is going to be okey" she said, Then out of nowhere the men that where talking to my parents grabbed my dad and dragged him out of the house. My eyes wided In fear to see my dad getting dragged by them. Then my dad blurted out something unexpected because of the situation we were in."Kids, remember I love you" he blurted.

Then suddenly my brother ran to where they were dragging my dad but only made it half way before my mom caught him in her arms. My dads words rang in my ear "remember I love you" the words played in my head, why did he tell us that if we knew how much he loved us I mumbled to myself. Then out of nowhere a loud muffled gunshot echo through the house.

I froze, I could hear my mom and brother beginning to sob a few inches from the door that led outside, I didn't even notice that I was also crying into I collapsed onto the floor, once I realize it I also was also sobbing, I didn't even realize how long I was frozen onto the spot into I felt my moms arms warping around my waist and picking me up and bringing me upstairs to my room.

  I didn't notice I was tired into I felt my eyes growing shut and darkness took over.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 29, 2021 ⏰

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