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     A rapid and urgent knocking at her door startled her out of her perfectly good sleep. Anna slid out of bed, her eyes barely open, and walked bare footed as quickly as she could to see what the hell could be so important at one in the morning. As soon as she got rid of whoever was there, she was going back to sleep. She whipped the door open in frustration to see her friend Oswald Cobblepot and an unwelcome amount of guests. Before he could give her some drawn out excuse and ask for another favor, Anna asked,
"What... the fuck could you possibly want right now?" Oswald simply smiled as if he'd just seen an old friend, and replied,
"Well, my good friend, I'm in a bit of a predicament, as are my companions," he said companions as if there were only a couple of them. But there were five of them. He continued,
"and I need to ask a favor." Anna rolled her eyes, he was always asking for favors. Hopefully this one wouldn't almost get her arrested, murdered, or question her own morals.
"My friends and I need a place to stay for the night and I knew I could rely on you, my old friend." He said, assuming she would say yes. And maybe she would. After all he did always repay her in some way, so it was usually worth whatever he was asking for. Anna rubbed the inner corner of her eye with her middle finger, contemplating, then looked at his so called "friends". She shook her head and threw her hands up carelessly and said,
"Fine. You can stay for tonight. But you owe me big time for this Oswald, I'm serious." She opened the door a little more then started walking back toward her bed.
"Of course, of course!" Oswald excitedly replied.
"So where are we going to sleep?" a deep voice asked. She turned and to acknowledge Victor Fries, then turned back to her tiny apartment.
"Uh... hang on." She pulled out the couch so it could be slept on as a bed, then did the same with the loveseat, and the recliner. Including her bed, that was definitely enough to fit 6 insane criminals.
"Um, that should be good. Take your pick." She started heading to her fridge and suddenly recognized Bridgit. Anna tilted her head and a sleepy smile spread across her face.
"Bridgit. I haven't seen you for..." She said with a sigh.
"A while. I know." Bridgit replied with a small smile on her scarred face. The last time they saw each other was when Oswald was his own boss and not working for—
"Phew! Nice place you got here. And fellas, I call the bed." The redhead said falling onto her bed and sliding his shoes off. Anna gritted her teeth, she hated when other people laid in her bed. It was just an ick she had. And she found herself slightly disappointed, because without telling anyone, she'd assumed she and Bridgit would sleep in the bed. Because they knew each other and it was her fucking apartment.
In an attempt to ignore the weirdos staying with her for the night, she went to her fridge looking for whipped cream. Anna saw it on the top shelf with a note on it, grabbed it, and tore the note off. She shook the can. Empty. The note read, "Buy more plz xoxo, Victor". That little shit, she thought. "Victor?" You're probably wondering. Yes, Victor Zsasz. The hitman. They became friends around when Anna met Oswald. He always came by her apartment to say hi, bring pizza, watch movies, or eat everything she had. Zsasz was never that friendly with anyone, but she figured she was just much cooler than everyone else, obviously. And no, they didn't have any feelings for each other. Anna was aromantic and asexual. He knew that, so regardless if he ever had feelings or not, he'd never tell her. Anna and Zsasz were an odd couple of friends, but the best kind. But right now she was pissed that he emptied her can of Reddi Whip, put it back in the fridge, and had the audacity to write a note. Cheers to most frustrating night ever.

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