Chapter 2

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You know sometimes life is good and fun but others you have to sit next to a guy who is drenched in perfume and somehow it is even WORSE NOW. I just have to get through another hour and then lunch. But then what, do i just talk to other people there, i haven't been able to because i wanna gag on his sweetly overpowering stench.
"Hey man you know that girl next to you is kinda cute right?" a guy next to what I now call perfuma asks. They glance at me and then at each other. Oh god nooo please dont i know you wanna but its class.
"Yea she is" perfuma turns to me and smiles, the boy turns around but is definitely looking with those side eyes. "Hey you're kinda cute aren't you" perfuma says seductively. No just no im not dealing with his bull shit i can tell he can have anyone he wants and he chooses me.
"Thanks but no thanks, now if you'll excuse me" i shut my mouth and try holding it in OHHHH WHY IS IT SO HARD TO NOT GAG. it's so strong I can't breathe, I wanna throw upppppppp.
He turns away in a huff disappointed that he couldn't hook her, apparently she's not what she seems. Class ended and lunch started and Candice walked to the library a little overwhelmed that she hasn't made a new friend in spite of her promise. The library is quite large and welcoming with little posters covering the walls and a nice lady at the check out that smiles and greets Candice as soon as she walks in.
"Hi sweetie, are you new here?" the kind bulky woman with blueish gray hair and sweetly intense brown eyes.
"Yes I am , I was wondering where the mangas were" I ask with a bewildering smile that only seems to make the woman happier.
'Off course i do they are in the back to the left, oh but if you wanted i know a few people that love mangas and they wanted to start a club" she is just bursting with excitement "sooo if you ever want to join a club like that ask me i can hook you up in a second", she proudly states.
"Oh that's lovely i might just take you up on that offer", i follow her directions and all my favorites are there, and then there's one gold gem that stands out The Blue Slime. I reach for it immediately and without me noticing someone grabs it.
"Oh I'm sorry , were you looking at this?" a familiar voice asks in a sarcastic way, as I look up to see him, there he is. Perfuma is standing there with a series I've been dying to read. I take a step back startled by his sudden appearance.
"Hey dude yea i was just reaching for that series, do you like it too?" I ask as calmly as I can, I didn't like him at first because well duh, how I wanted to throw up all the chemicals polluting everything around him.
"This is my favorite series actually, if you want I can lend you the ones after you read this one" he smiles that makes him look kinda cute if you ignore how bad the smell is. "Buuttt only if you give me your number," he laughs and I regret how I thought he was cute a second ago.
What should I do? Ugh i really want to read it but is it worth sacrificing my nose to stand any closer to him. No it's not "wow you really think i'm cute don't you, but sorry im not going to give you my number for a few books". I tease and leave to look at the other sections who know I might find some valuable gems there.
The rest of the day passed and I sadly didn't make any friends but thankfully no one hates me sooo that's a bonus. As I walk the way home I look at the trees, their leaves have turned a slight shade of orange and yellow. It's becoming more and more apparent how much time has passed since that day.
"HEY YOU" an unfamiliar feminin voice shouts. I turn and a 5'3-5'4 person with long red hair and freckles decorating their face is running to me full speed, in their dark blue shirt and light gray overalls. "HIIIII IT'S SO NICE TO MEET YOU" as they suddenly stop right in front of me , clearly out of breath.
"Uuhhh hi?" I was very confused and my face definitely showed it.
"Oh umm hahah sorry i probably scared you but" they slap their forehead and mumble something like "oh this is not how its supposed to go, what do i say" they look up with an ever so apparent embarrassed blush on their face. They stiffen their back and take a deep breath in and shove their hand in front of me "HI ah uh im Frigg Johannes and since we are walking to uh our homes.. Do you wanna be friends" they say, getting more and more embarrassed and start to lower their hand and mumble "sorry."
I'm so shocked by how adorable they were and well it's not like I have any friends here so far. I grab their hands and shake wildly and say with a smile and near teary eyes on how cute they are. "HI MY NAME IS CANDICE!!" I practically shouted.
Their faces look so happy and they smile so wide I thought it was impossible. "Where are you heading to because I think we may be heading the same way?"
We laugh and joke as we get to our homes. I have their number and they are the sweetest person i've ever met. Today was the most eventful and uneventful I've ever had. As I started to look at the book recommendations they gave me I almost forgot.
"SHIT' i rush to the rock and take it out of the case and hold it. I look at it and turn it on all sides. "I'm ok, no need to worry, it hasn't been that long." the day ends with barely anything happening the rest of the day.

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