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"Ugh ... carrying all this metal might break my back one day"

The boy complained as usual. He's work was always tiresome. Lifting, carrying stuff he didn't know when it would end.

"It's better than last time though so ... "


Light reflected into his brown eyes giving them a lighter brown hue. He's face lacked the essence to be called handsome but it wasn't plain either. It was more than average. He's black hair was covered in red bandana to help with the heat.

He's muscles were toned due to the lifting and the boss's so called hobby. He's brown complexion seemed scared with burns and wounds. The ten year old boy, William slowly pulled the short sword that glinted in his eye out of the box he carried.

Quickly slashing the air repeatedly, caused his muscles to cramp due to the weak compatibility he had with it. Lowering his stance, he raised his head and leapt to the noise he heard at the entrance.

Clank. The sword was intercepted by the old short yet stout man. William raised his head and fear replaced his comical expression. Why did he come now he thought to himself?

"Think  you  can  best  me punk.  Buahahaha!  Taste  this”

“Noooooo!  Wait!!  I didn't  do  it  on  purpo-”

Since William  jumped  while slashing.  He's  body  was still in the  air.  The  old man  quickly parried  the  sword with  his walking stick and  punched  him in  the  stomach.

Agh!  He flew  past  the  room and  hit  the  bedrock  wall. The punch he took  wasn't  normal  for humans  but this  accursed man  could do it  with ease.  William pushed  himself of  the stone  floor and  went to the entrance.

“Old  Man.  Why did  you  hit  me?  I'm not  some dummy you can  take out your anger on!!”

“Please that  was  self-defence.  You  suddenly  came  at me  and I protected  myself  and  who  do  you  think  you're calling  old man?!” the man replied

“Self defence? That's  a  stupid  lie.  Even if you didn't defend it op  the blade wouldn't  pierce  your  barbaric  skin”

“Well why did  you  attack me?  Barbaric  skin? I'm this  close to punching you again  you damn  brat!  Any  way  you  can  leave its  time  to go home unless  you're planning  to help  me clean this place” cooling himself down, he told William what he came for.

“I-I thought  someone  like Brook  was coming so  I wanted  to scare him  a  little.  Any way  it's close to  sunset  so  I should leave  now.  See you  later Old  man  Fen!”

"Stop with  the old  man!  I'm only  27  years  old  kid  and  its FENDRELL THE  DWARF!”

“Ah  okay.  Whatever  you  say Fen  …  hahah”

The boy  chuckled  to himself as  he finally  got  his  revenge to Fendrell the  dwarf. As always he left  with  a  smile.  This isn’t  a bad  job  I  should be more grateful  he thought.

POV: Fendrell

As  he watched the boy's back disappear to  the  bustling city  of Earnoor.  He wept  silently.  He  had  kept the  boy  for so  long and  here he  was  full  of life  and  vigour. He  truly felt  like a parent.  This indescribable joy  was anew  to him.

“Stay  safe kiddo.  I hope  you  find  what  you're searching for”

He turned  his  back  to the route  William  took  and  faced  his great  smith  shop.  The vintage  and  sacred  place  he  called home for  20  years  now. Of  all  his life this was the second place  he could call home.

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