A Chance Encounter

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Ferg left us at the Riften gates and that was that. He rode away, barely even checking us. 

The Nord, a male, hadn't spoken a word while we rode, now glanced at the guards with unease and step a few steps behind me and Syphony. 

Syphony cast him an understanding stare, and stepped behind me.

For the love of Talos, I thought as I marched to the gates. I stretched my hand out to open the doors when one of the guards smacked my hand. "Halt!" He yelled into my face, causing the two behind me to jump and almost bolt.

I stared at his rugged, ugly face and lifted my chin up. "Excuse me?" I murmured, fully confident on the outside.

"Before you enter the city, you have to pay the tax."

"What tax?"

"The tax you pay for using the gate!" He yelled, his face flushing. 

Syphony behind me snorted and looked at the guard over my shoulder. "I'm sorry, should we just scale the wall instead? I don't know about these two, but I can easily get over that wall." She tossed her head and began walking towards the wall.

We all just kinda ignored her as she huffed and grunted, trying to get onto the wall.

"This is obviously a shake-down," I commented, crossing my arms over my chest and I smirked at him." "I mean, really, who puts taxes on-"

"Alright Alright, keep quiet! I'll let you pass." The guard turned around and unlocked the gate, mumbling to himself about lost money as the gates swung open.

I turned to tell Syphony we could enter, but decided against it. She'd figure it out in a minute.

I smiled brightly as soon as I passed the guards and gates. Finally, freedom! I could do anything I wanted here! I could say or do or be or-

While I was busy in my head ranting about my freedom, I hadn't noticed the sinfully dark man approaching me. "You here lookin' for trouble?" He snapped at me, breaking me out of my daydreams.

I smiled and batted my lashes up at him. His dark hair and beard contrasted against pale, scarred skin. A huge, silver battle-axe hung over one shoulder and glinted in the sunlight as he puffed out his chest in an obvious show of male-pride. 

"I am as long as you're that trouble." I breathed, sliding up closer to him. 

One side of his mouth tilted up in a smile and he relaxed, flirting back. "Well, We'll have to see. I'm known to cause...and to find all sorts of trouble. Especially when I'm indulging pretty girls like yourself."

Ugh, so the wrong thing to say. All his bad-boy hotness was now gone. Seriously? Do I look like a pretty girl? I'm the goddamned Dragonborn.

"Yeah, well, we'll see." I simply stated, passing by him and walking. (Making sure to sway my hips. I knew he was watching.)

He sputtered, but left me alone as I passed an arguing couple on the bridge leading into the market circle.

"I'm really getting tired of your excuses. When you borrowed the money, you said you'd pay it back on time and for double the usual fee." The woman, clad in gray leather armor remarked to an Argonian. 

"I know I did. But how was I to know the shipment would get robbed?" He replied, dropping his head into his hands and sighing loudly.

Yeah, see! This is why I don't like Argonians...can't trust them...

"Next time, keep your plans quieter and nothing would have happened to it." She snapped back, an cunning smile finding its way to her face as she began inspecting her daggers.

The Argonian's head shot back up and he gasped, his green skin flushing lightly as he yelled. "What? Are you telling me you robbed it? Why? Why are you doing this to me?" 

Okay, maybe I was wrong about this one....Shut up. I stepped right in front of them and passed on by. None of my business! 

I found myself in the center of the market circle. Surrounded by yelling voices.

"Have anything you wish to sell? I pay fair prices for all sorts of goods." A Dark Elf yelled beside me.

"My food is the best in all of Skyrim, always as fresh as the day it was collected." Another yelled.

I walked on, looking into the stalls, just checking. I passed the armor stall, and stood there an extra second longer. My current armor was starting to tear and was becoming old. Maybe I'd buy some new Leather, or Hide.

"You gonna stare all day or buy some armor?" The stall vendor, an imperial, snapped.

Okay maybe not, jeesh. 

I turned away, glaring and went to another stall. The woman yelled after me as I walked to the jeweler.

"Come back when you're ready to spend more gold! Goodness knows I could use it!"

The jeweler, another Argonian, slowly pulled out and opened a case in front of me. 

I gasped, and pressed a hand against my heart. It was the most beautiful necklace I had ever seen.

A thin, gold chain that was so long it would loop over my neck twice. At the end of the chain, a single Emerald rested, the size of an eyeball. It winked up at me, bright and lovely as it sat inside the case. It had been shaped into teardrop and I reached out to touch it, but the jeweler snapped the case closed.

"How much?" I breathed, still staring at the closed case.

His face lite up. He knew he had caught my full attention. "Only 800 Septims," He said, making it sound like almost nothing.

But sadly, I only carried 358 in my pocket.

With a sigh, I turned away and slammed right into the chest of a tall, redhead man. He smiled down at me, I smiled back.

His hair was shoulder-length. Red. The faint shadow of a beard marked his face, also red. His light greenish-golden eyes glinted down at me and he leaned down, invading my personal face space.

 "Running a little light in the pockets, lass?" He murmured.

And with that, my entire life changed.

(SO comment, vote, leave advice!:D)

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