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1 Month Later

By now, everyone on the team had been notified of Hinata's illness. They reacted very differently when they were told, from Tanaka completely denying that they were telling the truth, to Yamaguchi trying to completely ignore Hinata as much as possible.

So far though, Hinata seemed okay! After they transferred him from the hospital in Honolulu to the one in his hometown, everything seemed to run smoothly for a while. He was still playing volleyball (though he did have to miss some practice sessions occasionally for hospital visits), and he seemed in high spirits. So did Kageyama.

But they all knew that this positivity couldn't last forever.


"Nice kill, Asahi!" Suga shouted from the sidelines, carefully analysing all of their movements.

Karasuno were playing a practice match with a newly formed volleyball team from Raionzui High. Already they were showing great promise, however they were no match for the newly crowned International champions.

Hinata could feel in himself that his strength was slowly declining. Not at a rapid pace, but enough to notice. The way he was now breathing harder and deeper quicker throughout a game, the way his knees felt like they would buckle after every jump. It was all so new to him, feeling tired, wanting to give up. But he willed himself to continue, mainly for the others' sakes. He wouldn't have them seeing him being weak.

Kageyama tossed the ball over to Daichi, who swung his arm forward and perfectly hit the ball. After a brief celebration, they realised they were at match point and got ready into position. But Kageyama watched as Hinata started to sway slightly. He quickly stepped towards him and gripped his arm, steadying him.

"You okay?"

Hinata looked up into his large, black eyes. He could see his own reflection in them, noticing how the orange of his hair made it look like he was glowing. He chuckled at this thought, and nodded fervently, fixing his eyes straight towards the opposing teams' ace.

Tsukishima served the ball over the net, and their libero picked it up near the front. Their spiker quickly reacted to this and attempted to spike it straight over without a set, however Daichi comfortably received it, sending it up into the air towards Kageyama.

As he scanned the court to determine who to pass it to, he set his eyes on Hinata out of instinct. But he quickly realised his state. Hinata's face looked slightly grey, his breaths laboured and his eyes half shut. Biting his lip, he half-heartedly set it towards Tanaka, who sent a perfect straight over the net, so quick that the team weren't able to receive it.

But before Karasuno could celebrate, they all seemed to turn towards Hinata as if they all knew what was coming. Their eyes followed him as he sank towards the floor, landing on his bottom. He looked as if he was in a daze.

Kageyama knelt next to him and waved his hand in front of his eyes.
"Hinata can you hear me? Are you okay?" He said nervously, placing a hand on his back in case he suddenly fainted.

Hinata blinked quickly, and seemed to come out of the trance he was in.
"I...uh...y-yeah I'm fine guys!" He managed to spit out, and slowly got up, holding Kageyama's hand for support.

"Shoyo you can't do that man! It scares us!" Nishinoya exclaimed, smiling brightly and tussling Hinata's hair gently as he always did. He chuckled slightly, and made his way to the bench. Sitting next to Ukai and Ittetsu, he scrambled in his bag for a water bottle and a couple of painkillers, which he quickly guzzled.

Hinata placed a hand on his head and closed his eyes tightly. A sharp pain suddenly ripped through it, sending a shockwave of agony directly behind his eyes. Ittetsu and Ukai gave eachother a concerned look and shuffled closer to the small boy, asking if he was okay. Placing his other hand in the air and waving it slightly, he assured them he was fine, but let out a loud groan afterwards.

Suga and Kageyama walked over to him and rubbed his back. To Kageyama, this seemed like the only thing he could possibly do to help. It's the same gesture he did that night in the hotel when he was sick, the same gesture he did on the court at Internationals. And now he was doing it again. He cursed himself for not being of more help, but put the thought aside for the moment.

"Hinata, I think we need to go see your doctor at the hospital." Kageyama said gently.

"N-no! I've not congratulated the...the other team...yet.." Each phrase sounded like an effort to say as he panted through the pain in his head.

"Everyone else will do that for you! Stop being stoic and go to the hospital. I'm sure Ukai or Ittetsu will drive us, right?" He looked up at them both hopefully, and Ukai quickly stood up, keys already jangling in his hands.

"Come on ginger, you'll be back before you know it." Ukai said, patting him on the back and opening the gym door for them.

Reluctantly, Hinata waved goodbye to the team, one hand still over his eyes, grabbed his bag and walked out of the gym, arm in arm with Kageyama.

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