You wanted a fancy title didn't you

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Disclaimer: I don't own nor will I ever own the rights to PJO or HOO those rights go to uncle Rick


'You and Me' that was the last thing Leo said to Nico in 4 years ago, along with 'i'll never forget you' and 'I love you'. Of course with Nico's Luck when Leo went on his quest and he got his memory wiped. When he came back he acted like nothing ever happened between them. And of course it broke Nico's heart, and when he thought it couldn't get worse but then he found out that Leo had turned 'straight'. And even though he was heart broken he had to act like he didn't care especially since their relationship was a secret, and only three people knew. One of those people were ( of course ) Piper McLean, she knew they liked each other before they knew they liked each other. The other person was Hazel Because she's Nico's sister and Nico couldn't hide anything from her or really lie to her. And the last person found out in a embarrassing situation was Will Solace,




he found out when Nico and Leo were saying I love you and kissing goodnight/goodbye because it was sunset and Leo had to go to sleep because he had a long day ahead when he went on his quest and Nico was just gonna stay up all night, and since it was sunset most of the Apollo kids were already getting ready for bed but Will was just finishing up in the infirmary when he went outside, when he found out Nico was still gay, also that Leo was LGBTQ+. but he didn't care, he had a crush on Nico but didn't know if he was still gay but soon his brain caught up and understood that Nico was dating Leo. But right at that moment Nico saw him and pulled away from Leo and shadow traveled away. After a few seconds Leo saw him, Leo blushed and ran away for at that moment his secret relationship was given to Nico's second crush and Ex.

Will POV 

I don't know how to feel. Should I be happy, jealous, hurt. Nico said he broke up with me because we were complete opposites and because he knew he was straight. Now I don't know how to feel, Nico was kissing Leo Valdez I didn't think Leo would be the person Nico would like(A.N I tried to not say 'not his type' I tried sooo hard. K bye) . I also really thought I got over Nico but now, I just don't know. I head to where I know where Nico is I just hope he's actually there.

I used the portal from camp half-blood to camp Jupiter. I stopped and thought to myself 'why would Nico even want to see me anyway I obviously wasn't supposed to find out about those two' but I got myself together and went to the (word unknown) house. First I found Ra-Ra (Reyna) "hey Ra-Ra" "don't call me that" "you said I could call you that two days ago" "oh ya sry i'm not used to it but it kinda still annoys me. Anyway what do you need?" " I was wondering if Nico's here" "umm ya he came a few minutes ago he came in shadow traveling he was also blushing I think" "ok can i ask you where he is" "ya he's with Hazle down the hall three doors down" she said gesturing down the hall "do you think I can talk to him?" "Is it about the break up?" "NO! Umm I mean kinda" I said slightly embarrassed. "Sure, but I think he'd be fine if you wanted to talk to him" "ok thanks Ra-Ra, bye" "bye" she said rolling her eyes i'm pretty sure she's still not sold on the nickname.

Nico's POV 

I know he knows where I'm at. But I need to get away. I need to talk to Hazel.

Leo's POV

Yup. Out of all the things I could've done I ran away, from my boyfriend's ex of all people I first run to bunker 9 to calm myself down. The machines always help calm me. After about an hour I leave and headed to where Piper was at. Piper was usually at the lake with her best friend, Percy Jackson. When I got to the lake I saw Piper at the edge of the pier "Pipes?" I called she turned around and said "ya Leo?" "Ummm help" "what, why, what happened" she asked urgently. I explained what happened, when I was done she let out a small 'oh' "umm you ran away" I nodded shyly "from Nico's ex" I nodded again "and your telling me this happened an hour ago and you didn't tell me!" She raised her voice at the end. Then I started talking "I don't know! It was the first thing that came to my mind. I looked back once and saw that he was running to Camp Jupiter" then I started shaking Will had alway been protective of Nico even after they broke up. Piper interrupted my thought process by saying "Leo, you should go to sleep mabye in the morning we can talk to Will, you, me, and Nico. Ok?" She asked me.

I could just nod

Piper's POV

When Leo left I had a feeling no one would be able to talk tomorrow.... something bad was gonna happen, something really bad and really soon

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 12, 2021 ⏰

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