"I have a room reserved for us two.. Named by Chongyun." Chongyun told the woman who was behind the desk. She handed him a key as Chongyun grabbed Xingqiu's hand.

"Come on! We're gonna have so much fun today!"

Xingqiu stood in shock in the purple, LED Room.

"K-Karaoke..?" Xingqiu looked at Chongyun, who was preparing everything. "Of course! We also have some drinks."

"Are you sure we can do this?"

"Well, we're 18, right?" Chongyun turned the screen on and started to look at the songs. "I-I'm not singing-"

"Yes you are! Cause we will sing together." Chongyun tossed a microphone to xingqiu. Dropping the rose, Xingqiu got the microphone in panic. Chongyun chuckled, "What song?"


Chongyun clicked on the control, and threw the controller on the purple couch next to Xingqiu.

"What are doing—"

Before Xingqiu could continue, he was cut off by Chongyun.

"And your daddy said, stay away from Xingqiu-!" Chongyun sang, looking at the screen, "But you were everything to me, and you were begging me, please don't GOOO."

Xingqiu laughed, "Those aren't even the lyrics!"

"Chongyun, take me somewhere we can be alone," Chongyun looked at Xingqiu raising his hand to him, "I'll be waiting, all there's left to do is run—"

Chongyun kept on singing 'Love story' as Xingqiu listened and looked at him. He didn't have a great voice, but seeing him try was funny and entertaining.

Chongyun huffed, "Come on! You have to sing a song too!" He looked at him, looking a bit tired.

Xingqiu looked at the screen and then to Chongyun, "Come on! I'll sing with you-"

"Romeo, save me, I've been feeling so alone," Chongyun put his hand on his hip as he bounced side by side. Xingqiu laughed at his silly dancing,

"I keep waiting for you, but you never come—"

"Yeah! Keep it going!" Chongyun cheered Xingqiu on as he grabbed the other boys hand, making him stand up.

Xingqiu smiled brightly, "Is this in my head? I don't know what to think," Xingqiu looked at the screen, then at Chongyun, "He knelt to the ground and pulled out a ring and said-"

"Marry me JULIET—" Chongyun voiced cracked as Xingqiu bursted out laughing.

Chongyun coughed, as Xingqiu fell on the floor holding onto the couch. He laughed so hard his stomach was staring to hurt,

"You'll never have to be alone—!" Chongyun grabbed Xingqiu's arm and pulled him up, "I love you and that's all I really know!" Chongyun stared into Xingqiu's eyes,

Xingqiu's cheek began to tingle,

"I talked to your dad, go pick out a white dress," Chongyun twirled Xingqiu in a circle which made him giggle, "It's a love story, baby, just say yes."

They didn't drink the beverages that day.

Xingqiu and Chongyun left the building laughing. "You're voice! It was so funny when it cracked—" Xingqiu teased, smirking at Chongyun.

"Hah!? My voice was beautiful, thank you very much!" Chongyun smiled. Xingqiu laughed a little bit, before hearing Chongyun's cellphone ring.

"Hm. Looks like our next destination awaits." Chongyun looked at Xingqiu, "I hope you like meat."

"Meat is good, what do you mean by that?" The both boys stopped at the red light, waiting for the cars to pass by.

"I booked us a table at this super cool restaurant. I hope you like it," Chongyun walked as Xingqiu followed him.

"I don't understand why you're doing all of this Chongyun. I thought you were mad at me.." Xingqiu looked down, trying not to show his anxiousness. "Maybe he really is sorry."

He looked at Chongyun who was looking forward.

"What have you done to me, Chongyun."

"Aaaah~ this meat looks so goood." Xingqiu couldn't help but me all bubbly about this. The meat sizzling on the grill in front of them, as Xingqiu kept on staring at them.

"Hehe, I'm glad you like it." Chongyun got the chopsticks and flipped them over, "Would you like white rice?"

"Ah, yes please." Xingqiu handed Chongyun his bowl, as he watched Chongyun serve him some rice in his bowl.

"Here you go,"

Xingqiu smiled, "Thank you!"

As soon as the meat was ready, Xingqiu stared to chow down on the food. He hasn't really eaten all day, so he sure was a hungry. Chongyun served himself, as he looked down at his food. The hot meat entered his mouth, but he was curious on what Xingqiu's facial expression was.

He looked up, and blushed.

Xingqiu's eyes sparkled as he chewed on the meat. He had a smile on his face.

"How can you be so cute?!" Chongyun wanted to squeeze the living hell out of him.

"Yun-Yun?" Xingqiu looked up at Chongyun, which Chongyun immediately looked away.

"Y-Yes?" Chongyun stuttered,

"You're eating to little. Here, have some of mine!" Xingqiu got his chopsticks and held it up to Chongyun's mouth, "Come on. Say, aaah~"

"Aaah" Chongyun opened his mouth as Xingqiu started stuffing his mouth with meat.

"Hehe, have some rice as well! This pork is really good, this steak too!" Xingqiu stopped once his mouth was full.

Chongyun chewed for awhile, before swallowing. He already felt full.

Xingqiu smiled at Chongyun. He continued eating after.

They both exited the restaurant. It was getting late, so it was almost time for the festival to start.

Xingqiu looked at his watch, "Ah.. I should get going Chongyun. I have to get the preparations for the festival ready." Xingqiu and Chongyun stopped in front of Xingqiu's house.

Before Xingqiu could enter, chongyun fisted his fists.


Xingqiu turned to Chongyun, "Yes?"

"I... I don't know if you and Seok are together but.." Chongyun gulped.

"Xingqiu, I've had the longest crush on your ever since our eyes met. Please.. please be my boyfriend!"

𝐎𝐧𝐞 𝐂𝐫𝐮𝐬𝐡, 𝐎𝐧𝐞 𝐃𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐦 Where stories live. Discover now