"So, imagine this is a human soul." He says making my eyebrows shoot up.

"Excuse me?"

"Imagine this is a human soul, my soul, whatever.."

I look back at the sorry looking black balloon and laugh. "Right colour for you, huh?"

He grins. "Irony, right? Now. This is my soul, after I have passed away. As a spirit, ghost, whatever you want to call it, my soul is energy. With no body, it moves."

Tossing the balloon, I gasp and catch it quickly between my hands. 

"Nice, now back," He says.  Tossing it back, he catches it. "My soul will constantly move, because there is no containment for the soul, nothing to keep it still." 

Tossing it back to me, we move it between us a few more times. "Okay, so a soul with no body is technically a ghost. Your soul is composed of energy that never dies."

"Yes!" Zak beams. "Exactly. Such a good student."

I laugh softly. "Okay so what about reincarnation?"

"Ah. So that is a little different. Reincarnation means many different things in different religions. It's also known as transmigration and metempsychosis."

"Psychosis? That sounds..."

"It's not that kind of psychosis. That is a loss of reality. So metempsychosis.."

"You like that work huh?" I tease. 

"Pay attention in my class or you'll be in detention." He playfully warns as we begin moving the balloon between us again. "Now, metempsychosis or reincarnation is almost the same. The soul, has no body, it is moving back and forth back and forth. Hold the balloon." 

I do as he steps closer. "The soul moves back and forth until it meets a new.. Vessel, body etc. Then.."

Before I can think about what he is about to do, Zak stabs the balloon with a pen. The rubber splits and the cold water soaks me and my top leading to a sharp gasp. "Until the soul finds a vessel to take over. That is reincarnation."

"Could we have not done that without me getting wet?" I ask. 

"Maybe, but where would be my fun in that. Wet t-shirt contest.." He grins.

I swat him playfully before pulling my top away from my body. "So you believe the two can't exist.."

"Exactly. Because if it did.. What would I be investigating?" He asks as we both head back towards the cottage. 

"Hmm, true. But what if the ghosts you investigate, are simply looking for vessels to occupy and the reason they are there for so long, is because the activity of them leads to buildings being abandoned?"

"Good question. One I don't have an answer too and quiet possibly a hitch in my theory." He says as we step into the lounge. 

"So what do you think about Marie then?" I ask picking up her photo and turning it to him. "Is all this, the dream about the fire, the house, this photo, Theo's name, is this all because I am her, reincarnated? Am I an old soul?"

I can see the uncertain shift in his eyes and I find myself turning the photo back to me. "Am I actually me or am I her? You saw the look on Charlie's face.."

The photo is removed from my fingers and set back down, scooping up my face in his hands, I look to Zak. "Do you want to know what I think?"

I nod.

"I think, that yes, there is a high chance you are an old soul, but I also think we all are. You've heard Theo come out with some strange as hell comments, how he sits like an old man sometimes."

A smile plays on my lips at the memory of him sat in a chair, sighing as he sat down and crossing his legs, even down to folding his hands together. I thought it was because he had seen it on TV, but I guess Zak could be right in what he is saying.. We could all be old souls deep down. 

"But I also think that you are you. Not Marie. Yes the name is almost same and you look identical, but I know you. I know you are my wife."

"She could have been too." I mumble. 

"Impossible. Because there is no way on this God green Earth, that another woman would be able to put up with me and my lifestyle."

"Well now you have a point." I chirp making him chuckle as he leans down and kisses me. 

"You are my wife. My Maria. There is nobody else in the world like you, that sees through my bullshit like you can. That can rile me up as much as you can. Who can calm my demons... Like you can.  And I'm gonna quote the shit out of Emily Bronte here, but whatever our souls are made of.. Yours and mine are the same."

"You smooth bastard.." I whisper making him throw his head back and laugh.

"That was good huh?" He asks, reaching down to pick me up. 

"It definitely was."

"Enough to take you to bed, right now?" 

He is already walking us to the bedroom as I pull the wet t-shirt off my body. His eyes leave my face to look at my chest, earning him a clip around the ear. "Eyes back up here. One line is not going to get my pants off."

"Then allow me to-"

"Quote the shit out of Emily Bronte?" I repeat making him chuckle as he drops me to the bed.

"Wuthering heights, actually.."

"When did you read that?" I ask, surprised.

He shrugs. "I have a lot of time when I am away. But here is my next line. Ready?"

I nod as I pull him down on the bed with me.

"I fell for you and I am still falling."

Destiny of DemonsWhere stories live. Discover now