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I exchanged a look with Luna

"Ron, where do you live?"

"Just outside of Ottery, you know that," Ron gave Luna a confused look.

"Do you know where we live? Where you are right now?"

"Er, no, not exactly," Ron looked around sheepishly. "To be honest, I don't know how Fred and George got us here,"

"Ron, we live outside of the very same town," I gestured at the surrounding trees. "Did you really not recognize anything?"

"Well, it was all... dark," Ron tried defensively.

"Honestly, Ron," Luna sighed. "Your sense of direction is so poor it's a wonder you don't get lost in your own house"

"Hey! I'm not that bad," Ron muttered unconvincingly "But anyways, are you coming?"

"We're not going to sneak out to a house that is probably less than a mile away," Luna reasoned

"And unlike Harry, our father isn't keeping us imprisoned. We'll just ask him to take us to your house tomorrow,"

"I'm sure he'll be delighted," Luna said. "He likes you all very much"

"Oh, well then, er, have a good night," Ron said sheepishly

"You too, Ron," Luna and I spoke together

Harry and the twins waved as Ron got back into the car and it lifted off the roof and glided away until it was a tiny speck of light, and then it was gone. The sun was beginning to rise and with the brightening sky, Luna and I stayed up on the roof, watching the day begin.

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