Sonnet #1

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How is it that you do to me what you do
How can you ward off my worries with your eyes
How do you caress my soul without laying a hand upon me
Teach me the ways your lips can speak but not a word and serenade me till the sun o'er the low hanging moon does rise
Show me how a single glance could transcend time itself, taking my hand and guiding me into a world I've never known to be so exhilarating and so peaceful all at once
Do you know the power you hold over me?
If you did, would you take my heart in your hand and make it one with yours?
Would you be gentle and patient?
Am I safe to melt into your embrace, to be lulled by your touch? Am I free to let you see every piece of me the way I wish to be seen by no one but you?

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