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(That's the song that I listened to over and over when writing this)
Gordon Lachance

Waking up next to Chris is an amazing feeling. Just knowing that he was with you all night..The way he lets you hold him like there's no tomorrow..How his legs go so perfectly intertwined with mine..

"Chris.." I mumbled, slowly waking up.

"Yeah Gordo?" He replied.

"How long have you been up?" I started to sit up and use his body to hold me up.

"Not too long. Wanted to be up when you got up."

"That's sweet."

"Your sweeter."

I laughed. He was such a sweetheart..

"Well as much as I would love to stay here with you, I should get going home." I started to get up as Chris followed.

"Of course. Want me to walk you home?"

"Sure..That would be great. Thanks Chris."

"Anything for you." He replied, getting up off the floor. "You got everything?"


Chris came over for a kiss and I gratefully excepted. When it got more passionate Chris send his hands harder against my back and dragged them all the way down to my ass..When he reached where he wanted to go he grabbed it harder and used it to hold me up and press my body against his.

Everything was great until I moaned in the kiss and ruined it.

"Fuck Gordie, sure you don't wanna stay a little longer?" Chris offered, with a smirk on his face.

"Yep yep I'm sure I'm sure." I replied, quickly rushing away blushing like crazy.

"Ok.." He laughed.
Fast forward a couple minutes, we got to my house. Walked up to my house, stared at each other, blah blah blah.

After staring at each other for a couple minutes more I finally said something. "So when am I gonna get that cheesy kiss that happens in movies?"

"I don't know Gordie..This is pretty open, what if someone sees us?" He replied, scratching the back of his neck.

"Oh come on nobody's gonna see us. Now come over here you sexy wet end."

He slowly walked over to me and placed his lips against mine. For some reason I desperately wanted even the slightest kiss..Anything to make us seem like a normal couple. If that's even what we are. Truth is I would do anything to keep us in the closet, but can't help but imagine what it would be like if we came out to everybody we know. I would think Ace, Eyeball, and their gang would kill us, and nobody would care. Just two more kids gone in Castle Rock. One known as the 'bad' kid because of his family, and the other nobody knows. The only time people recognize or talk about me is when the topic is about my brother, Denny. All we are is one misunderstood boy and one invisible boy. If we came out Chris would for sure get killed by his brother and father..And I would get kicked out, with no Chris to keep me going.

The more I thought about this the more I got into the kiss. Started putting my tongue into it, and moving Chris's hand all over my body, gently.
"Oh my god. Chris..? Gordie..?"

It was Vern.
He saw us.

Chris and I immediately flew apart as Vern walked up to us, in complete and utter shock.

"Please tell me that was just a friend joke..Is that something two best friends do..?" Vern said again. I felt a tear drip down my face after all those thoughts and how Vern saw us kissing.

Chris grabbed Vern by the collar, dragged him to the side of my house, and slammed his body against the wall.

"Vern I swear to god, if you tell anyone. Anyone. Don't think I won't kill you. I'm not one to do this, but you tell a single soul, Gordie's dead. As am I but I don't care. So you better keep this a fucking secret Vern or I'll beat you till your dick bleeds." Chris said, aggressively. I couldn't believe the words that were coming out of Chris's mouth. I've never seen him so mad..So..Scared.

"How am I suppose to keep a secret this big??? Two of my best male friends were just caught making out!" Vern yelled again.

"Vern shut your ass god dammit! Do you want Gordie to die?? Do you want me to get killed?? That's the shit that's gonna happen if you don't keep your mouth shut! Hear me?? Don't think I won't beat your ass Tessio." He pushed harder. Almost as hard as Eyeball would to Chris, which soon led to Chris spitting out blood.

"Chris stop.." I tried grabbing Chris's arm to get him away but that only made things worse.

"Shove off!" He snapped a look at me for a second and he looked like a monster..Face completely red all the way down his neck, and veins popping out of his neck like he's lifting a hundred pound weight.

"Chris..Stop your hurting me!" Vern managed to blurt out.

"Shut up Vern you shit head!"

"Stop!! Your Chris not Eyeball!! So start acting like it!" I eventually yelled.

That's when he stopped, I stopped in my words. Possibly the worst thing you could do to Chris is compare him to his older brother..And that's the exact thing I just did.

"Oh Chris..I'm sorry I didn't mean that.."

"No no..It's ok. I deserve it. I'm just like Eyeball. A fuck up for a boy with a broken soul inside." Chris said, letting go of Vern as he fell in shock.

"No your not...Your perfect..But doing that to Vern is not gonna help us in the end.."

"Your right.." He stood tall again. "Sorry Vern, truly. But please don't tell anybody..I don't care if it's cheesy but I love Gordie more than I love all my family put together. He's my everything, we're just like a straight couple..So please..Don't tell anybody..I don't want anything to happen to Gordie, or even you and Teddy. I'm not one to beg, but I'm begging you Vern..Keep our little secret..?"

I smiled at Chris. Vern thought about it for a second but I saw him smiling too.

"Of course you two. You guys are my best friends..But couldn't we all tell Teddy?"

"No..He'll find out eventually.." I interrupted.

"True..Unlike him I don't care about genders in other's relationships. I think you guys are cute together, personally. That little kiss earlier was absolutely adorable."

"Why am I surprised." Chris added.

"Oh shut up.." We all laughed and Chris gave me a huge hug in relief.

Probably more Gordie coming up.
Also frustrating shit, and cute shit, but mostly frustrating
Also isn't Vern such a sweetheart???

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