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Gordon Lachance

"What's going on in here???" My dad must have heard us laughing and stormed in here.

"Oh- uh- um..Nothing dad we're just hanging out..." I stuttered back.

"Then why is that thief Chambers kid got his hands on your legs?"

We both rushed to look down and one of Chris's hands was on one leg and the other on my other leg. My dad was pissed.

"Oh sorry Gordie. I didn't realize that." Chris moved his hands off and started fidgeting with them.

"God I am so fucking sick of you Chambers. No wonder my son never plays football, look at the kids he's hanging out with! A faggot thief."

Chris looked down and held his eyes shut to avoid tears, I could tell that hurt him. He's been looking after me for years, now it's time for me to have his back.

"Can you shut up?" I looked over to my dad and Chris shot his head to me.

"Gordie.." Chris whispered. "I'm fine.."

"No Chris, your not." I got off the table and stood there, legit ready to punch my father. "Me not being the perfect son you wanted, has nothing to do with Chris."

"Y'know what your right..You wouldn't be the son anybody wanted even if you didn't hang out with a bunch of drags! No matter how hard you try, your never going to be the son I wanted. That was Denny. And we both know your never going to be as successful as he could've been."

Just as I was about to get him back his words sunk in.

I couldn't be the perfect son even if I tried.

I could feel the tears falling as I sat back on the table and didn't say anything.

Chris took one look at me before turning bright red. "Honestly, your the fuck up here old man."

"What did you just say to me??"

I stayed out of it. Wasn't in the mood.

"Your son is amazing, for god sakes better than amazing! He's probably the best guy I've ever met. How dare you say that to him! Look at him! He's sitting here, crying. Because of your words. Do you seriously not feel anything???" This caught my attention.

Amazing? Better than amazing? The best guy he's ever met?

I don't know why but for some reason this got me pumped. Like I could take anything my dad said at that moment. Once again I got off the table and stood right next to Chris.

"I'm not crying anymore. Dad sure I love you, but I don't."

"I couldn't give less of a fuck about you. You have no girlfriend, play no sports, the only thing you do is sit around with losers and write stories. Who knows what the fuck you two are doing when your alone."

"No matter what you say or think, I don't care. Chris is my friend. And I'm never letting him go. Now go back to your room and fuck yourself." I said with confidence. Didn't stutter or even blink. My focus was on Chris, and not even my own father can talk about him like that.

"Whatever faggots. Go back to your little tea party or whatever."

Right at that moment Chris laughed for a second and got his fists ready. He sped right up to my dad and punched him straight in the nose, hard. As my dad fell to the ground groaning, Chris walked back to me smirking.

"Damn Chris. Is he going to be ok??" I stated.

"If you care I'll help him, if you don't then I don't know and I don't care. Jesus Christ he called you a faggot, Gordie!"

"Yeah..But at least it's some acknowledgment."

"Your so weird." We laughed and he put his hand out, waiting for me to put mine in his.

When we looked at each other I linked my hand with his and he started pulling me out of my house, leaving my dad there with his bloody and maybe broken nose. Hopefully broken nose.

Ugh Chris is such a sweetheart..In real life too River Phoenix was so kind amazing

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