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Takemichi's POV

I can't believe this....

After I avoided him since at school...

And still he's following me like a lost puppy...

I don't know why I'm feeling so frustrated when he disappeared suddenly without letting me know...

I sighed deeply as I stopped walking since I was going back to my house and face Prince Senju who have sulking expression staring at me.

"Stop following me." I said in a serious tone.

"But whhyyy~~" He pouted at me like a sad puppy, which make me almost can't resist his face.

"Leave me alone---wha!?!" I got surprised when he suddenly strongly grabbed my right wrist then hugged me like he's afraid to lose me.

"Please let's talk, what's wrong sweetie? Takemichi, why are you avoiding me." He said in calming tone yet deep which make me gulped when I smelled his nice scent closer to my nose.

I was going to push him away but he's stronger than me as I give up in defeated.

"Fine, I'm going to tell you. Why did you disappear suddenly without saying to me last week?" I asked.

"I'm sorry sweetie, I have been busy with my meeting schedules to other royal families." Right, you're stupid Hanagaki...he's a royal...busy with to meet other royals...

Maybe who will be his bride...then a queen for their kingdom....

You're a normal highschool, there's no way the other royals can't accept you easily...

But wait what  am I really to him?

I felt hurt when I thought about that.

"Don't be angry at me, sweetie hmm?" He lets go of me as he stared at me with his eyes full of adore, caring and...

No...I don't want to think about that...

"What am I to you?" I said out of nowhere which make his eyes got widen in surprised.

"I---" He suddenly looks away from me like he's hiding his expression from me as I felt pang inside my chest thinking that he don't feel the same way to me.

"Ahem, I'm sorry to interrupt your sweet-drama scene." I suddenly heard the familiar voice from behind us as we turn around to see my mom holding a grocery bags going way to back to home.

"Mom?! / Goodevening Ma'am." Me and Prince Senju both said in unison but the most shocking is how Prince Senju call my mom like a mother-in-law.

I quickly shake off my thoughts as I get away from Prince Senju's grips before I hurry to help my mom's carrying a grocery bags.

"Are you fighting with your lo---I mean Prince Senju?" She asked before I got surprised of how did she know that he's a Prince Senju even though he's still in disguised.

I was going to ask my mom but Prince Senju interrupted me.

"Takemichi! Let's date again tomorrow!!" He smiled genuinely at me before he bid goodbye to me and my mom, while me got surprised again still processing of what he said.

What did he just said?

Date again?

With who?

P-Prince S-Senju?

B-But why?

I thought he don't feel---

"Is there something wrong, my son?" I heard my mom's voice sweetly asked me as I snapped out of my thoughts.

"N-Nothing mom, but how did you know that he's a royal prince?" I asked my mom full of curiousity as she chuckled at me before gently patting my mom.

"Secret~ Let's go back home for now." Mom genuinely smiled at me as I nodded before we continued to walk back to home.

I don't know why mom isn't bothered when she saw me talking with Prince Senju, like she's fine with it...


Third POV

Takemichi was sleeping peacefully until he heard the sound of ringing alarm which got him awake but still sleepy as he quickly turned off the alarm before yawned a bit.

He get up from the bed then stretching his body before he started to do his morning routines. After that, he walked out from his room and then walk downstairs to go to kitchen.

Until he saw his parents holding and reading the newspapers which covered their faces sitting on the dinner table infront of him and a two cup coffee then a breakfast cooked foods.

"Goodmorning, mom and dad!" Takemichi greeted his parents with his cheerful tone and his smiling expression.

"Goodmorning, son!" His dad greeted back before drinking his coffee as Takemichi sat infront of them.

"Goodmorning sweetie~♡" The familiar voice greeted to Takemichi who's so shocked to hear with his eyes widen as he look up infront of him when he thought that person was his mom but wrong, it was Prince Senju who's already smiling genuinely at Takemichi with his charming expression.

"P-Prince S-Senju?!" Takemichi said in surprised tone with his jaw dropped.

"Yes, it's me. I already told you call me by my name, sweetie." Prince Senju playfully winked at Takemichi while smiling as he got flustered.

"D-dad, why he's here? Where is mom?" Takemichi asked his dad who's still have calming expression and his dad didn't mind if Prince Senju try to flirt with him or likes him infront of him.

"Okay! Let's eat now!" Takemichi's mom suddenly popped out of nowhere which caused Takemichi got startled by her.

"M-mom~" Takemichi called his mom who switched seat with Prince Senju to sit with her husband while Prince Senju sit happily beside Takemichi.

"Son, just eat now your breakfast. Did your boyfriend said last night that you're going to date with him today?" His mom said.

"B-But, are you sure? M-Mom! You already know that he's a royal prince right?" Takemichi said and he can feel Prince Senju's stares at him while eating his food.

"It's fine for us, son. Just be careful, we support you anyway and why are you wearing your school uniform, it's saturday today." His dad said.

"Heh!?!" Takemichi got surprised of what his dad said before he looks at calendar near the refrigerator behind him and his dad was right, it's saturday means no school before he feel embarrassment for not noticing about that as Prince Senju chuckled by his cuteness.

To be continued...

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