"I think today went well! You guys are finally starting to time your attack right!" Ladybug smiles, taking in deep breaths. I check my watch and wince at the time, realizing it's almost time for Adrien's party. I stand up and dust myself off, smiling at my two team mates.

"Well It's almost night so I should be heading off! I'll be looking forward to our next training!" I say thanking them both. Chat noir does the same, coming to his feet and stretching his arms out.

"Yeah, I think its time to end it here today! Time for us to depart ways~!" He sarcastically whines leaning his back on my body. I laugh pushing him off.

"You'll survive until then." Ladybug chuckles at the sight, standing up as well. We say our goodbyes and head our separate ways. I quickly dart home and rush up to my room, Nyx calmly sitting on my bed. I jump into the shower, being mindful of the time so I'm not late.

"Hey Nyx! Think tonight will go better than last time?" I ask while washing my hair. I slightly shudder at the thought of me coming onto Adrien the way I did last time, taking note to not do that again so he doesn't declare me as some sick weirdo. 

"Oh who knows! Though I'll be sure to be there to make sure you avoid that mistake!" Nyx yells from the bedroom. I shake my head, wondering how the Kwami will do just that without getting caught by others. I proceed to exit the shower, drying myself off and pick out an outfit. I decide to go for an oversized (F/C) shirt and a pair of ripped jeans, completing the look with my favorite pair of shoes and accessories. I grab my jacket along with phone and keys, taking one last look over myself and nodding my head. 

"Lets go!" I chirp, heading down stairs and locking the doors behind me. The sky slowly grows darker as I make my way over to Adrien's address, the cold air nipping at my face ever so slightly. I stop outside the gates and hear the music pumping from the front. The lights inside shine through the large windows of the house. I press the buzzer and I hear a feminine voice pick up.

"Hey Nathalie! Its me (Y/N)!" I chirp with a grin. Me and Nathalie were able to get to know each other better after I visited a few times to see Adrien. We seem to get along real well when it's just us... That is until Adrien's dad comes around and works her to the bone. He doesn't seem to mind my presence, but I do wish he would treat those people close to him a bit better. 

"(Y/N)! I was wondering when you would show up, let me just buzz you in." With that, a buzzer gently sounds, signaling me to open the gate and walk in. I walk up towards the front door and I see Nathalie open the doors from the other side. I give her a warm smile, walking into her arms for a sneaky hug.

"It's good to see you (Y/N), I'm sure Adrien will be happy to see you have finally arrived." We let go of each other and I take a small step backwards. I notice the house is almost filled to the brim with people chatting and dancing. 

"Haha as if! He is already so popular as it is... but woah, It's a lot bigger than I thought it was going to be. Where is Adrien by the way? I should go let him know I'm here." I look around, Nathalie smiles and gestures for me to follow. We push our way past the group of people dancing, exchanging quick hello's to those who know me. We exit the crowd and walk down a hallway towards the kitchen. Nathalie pushes the door open and I see Adrien, Nino and Alya gathered together chatting away. I take a step forward and Adrien notices me, quickly putting his drink down and walking over to me.

"(Y/N)! You made it! Just in time too~" He quickly looks over to Nathalie and thanks her before she takes her leave.

"What are you guys doing in here?" I ask the group while Adrien proceeds to offer me a drink. I grab a bottle of beer and take a quick sip. Alya takes a quick bite of some snacks from a platter before speaking.

Phantom Nights (ChatNoirxMaleReader)Where stories live. Discover now