Chapter 8 - The Council

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Written By: Evo!


Mason looked at Jirou. He had to explain this didn't he? Could he trust Jiro to believe him in the first place, and to keep it a secret?

Well he had to try in the first place. He took a deep breath and began talking. "Okay so you know those Isekai stories where someone suddenly gets sent to another world with no choice otherwise right?"

Ochaco's question was a strange one. But he could see where this might be going. "Yeah. I'm assuming this has something to do with your situation then?" Ochaco nodded. "Somewhat so. In my old world, this world is simply a manga/anime that I personally enjoyed watching. It was called My Hero Academia. And it was a story about how a quirkless boy got a quirk from his hero, and became the greatest hero ever."

Jiro looked shocked. It didn't make sense. How could that make any sense at all! "What proof of this do you have?" Jirou asked. She was curious if there was any. "Tomorrow the media will break into UA with the help of a villain that will then attack the U.S.J. that we visit a bit after. If I'm correct will you trust me?"

Jirou looked surprised. She was able to just know that. And if that was true, then maybe she could be talking the truth. "Okay. Assuming this is the truth. What is your plan?" Ochaco thought about it for a minute. Then she looked at Jirou. "To live my own life while keeping everything good. I know how things should go from here. Though I disrupted the flow by befriending Izuku early. So now my only goal is to keep things going straight. If you could help, that would be nice. By this point I might assume Nezu already knows. We're talking about it on UA grounds after all. So Nezu if you're hearing about this. Let's talk sometime. I want to make sure we're clear with what we want. Don't tell anyone."

Ochaco smirks. Jirou nods, being a little hesitant. "If you could include me in this meeting, that would be nice." Ochaco nodded. "Well we better get home. You wanna walk with me and Deku?"

Jirou nods. "So what gender were you in your last life?" She asks. Ochaco begins walking. "A boy." "So your gay then?" "No! I don't like Deku!" "I wasn't even talking about him though." "I know your game. Shut up." "Fine, fine. What was your old name then?"

Ochaco looked up to the sun as they were nearing the entrance. "Mason. But call me Ochaco. You're my friend now, Kyoka."

Jirou nodded. "You must be an american then. But sure. I can accept that Ochaco." Ochaco smiled as she waved to Deku.

"You ready to head back Ochaco? Oh and hi Jirou. You two seem friendly!" Ochaco nodded back. "Yeah. Let's get moving then Deku. Maybe we can hang out at the arcade or something."

Jirou smiled. "Yeah. That sounds fun."


The three of them were sitting at lunch the next day before suddenly, Aizawa came up to them all. "Jirou and Uraraka. The principle needs you two for some reason." Jirou and Ochaco looked at each other and nodded as they stood up and said bye to Deku as they began walking. Aizawa just told them where to go and they headed off.

"I guess Principle Nezu got my message yesterday. This is good. He's smart enough to know what I should do. Though it might be a little difficult with Nezu." Ochaco said as they went to the principal's office "Well yeah. And with me knowing, we can talk while making sure nobody can hear us. A pretty convenient set of people. A smart principal, a girl who can hear better than anyone else, and a boy from another universe who knows the future-" "Call me a girl. I've gotten used to this body, mostly, so I don't want dysphoria." Jirou nodded. "Okay Ochaco. Sounds good. Well here we are."

Ochaco nodded and went into the room. "It seems you two are finally here. How great! We can get this meeting underway!" Nezu was sitting at one of two couches, the other one across from him. Both of the two sat on the other couch. And looked at Nezu.

"Well Uraraka. I have to assume your intel is correct. But this meeting didn't ever happen in the... What should I call it, the official universe you're aware of. So you have no idea what I'm about to talk about with you then?"

Ochaco shook her head. "I have no idea," Nezu smiled. "Then we should be able to talk." Ochaco nodded. Jirou looked confused. "So what are we here for then principal?" Jirou asked. "Well. We have to prove young Uraraka's intel is correct in the first place. While I think it's reasonable enough. We have to prove it just to make sure. Ochaco when should the media outside break in?"

"Soon. It was during lunch so it should be soon if not happening right now." Suddenly Nezu got an alert on his phone and nodded. Sending out an announcement that it was simply the media, as everyone got to rest easy. One person found it suspicious however. Nezu was in his office right? How would he know. So he headed over to the principal's office only to hear Ochaco, Jirou, and the principal talking.

"It seems your intel was correct. Now who is the villain who did the deed itself." Ochaco thought for a second. Then said, "Tomura Shigaraki, formerly Tenko Shimura, student and successor to All For One, merchant of quirks, Quirk, Disintegration. Anything he touches with all 5 fingers disintegrates. It's how he opened the gate. And then with the help of Kurogiri, quirk warpgate, basically a mist monster who can teleport anywhere as long as he knows the coordinates and stuff. He is what we call a nomu. A being made to serve and given a quirk to help them. He was originally a man named Oboro Shirakumo, I got spoiled about that heh."

Aizawa's eyes widened at the name. He then wanted to burst into the meeting. But knew otherwise. So he stuck to listening. That was until a certain bear mouse called out. "Aizawa seems to be snooping on our conversation. Come in." Ochaco looked surprised. And then nodded. Having him in the loop can only help. Aizawa came in.

"Sorry for snooping. I just thought something was up. But now I know something is up. How the hell do you know that Uraraka?" Aizawa asks. Nezu pipes up. "To put it simply for you Aizawa. Uraraka here is from another universe. One in which our world is simply an anime she watched. She knows a lot about the anime and is a credible source. She is how we knew about the reporters breaking in, and how they did it. So here we are. Jirou also is aware of this, and having more brains is usually a good idea."

Aizawa looked at Uraraka. And facepalmed. "I can already guess you and Midoriya will be problem children. And if the principal believes you. So will I, problem child. When will the next big event happen?"

Ochaco nods. "At the U.S.J. Tomura will attack with a creature that could beat All Might. I have a plan though. We will rig the U.S.J. as a trap for them. And I will tell you how."

Nezu smiled. "And this plan will lead to us going plus ultra like always!"

The New Life of Ochaco UrarakaOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora