4: Hey, again.

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One Month Later:

From then on, I've spent every lunch period in Martin's room. Session after session, I was able to get a little more out of Sam. We weren't too close but were able to have a conversation every time which really made me feel happy. I was able to get a couple words out of the quiet girl every day. Giggles, even. Every lesson, I'd walk out of that room learning something new. And it wasn't math.

"Deena I won't be surprised if you get into Honors next year with the amount of times you've gone to Martin's" Kate said as we were strolling through the halls during passing time.
"Haha, yeah me too" I replied.
"Aren't you gonna give yourself a break for a little? I mean I'm sure you're doing great, it's just doing that every day is probably annoying, right? Besides, sitting alone with Simon and Josh is becoming nauseating at this point. My head can't handle it"
"I mean, sure I plan to eventually. I just wanna make sure I'm really concrete with my grade, ya know. I've never really been this consistent with that stuff before so I'm being smart about it." I responded.

Kate nodded her head. She looked uncertain at the words.
"Alright, well I gotta go to lunch so I'll see you...?"
"Tonight? Maybe we can all catch a movie or something" I suggested.
"Sounds good, see ya!" She said strutting away.
It was time to see Sam again.

"Hey" I said walking into the room. Sam greeted me as I sat down next to her.
"Martin was here a few minutes ago but she said she had a meeting so she left us this worksheet to do" Sam added.
"Oh, cool cool. It doesn't look too hard so I'll think we'll be good" I replied.

We were actually able to get it done within about 15 minutes. So we had over a half hour left, basically to just do nothing. But I had an idea.

"So since we're gonna be sitting here for a while, can I ask a few questions?" I asked.
She nodded her head and gave me a small smile.
"What's your favorite color?"
She gave me a confused look as to why I would ask such a silly thing. She looked down and smiled, then looked up.
"Alriiiiiight, what's your favorite band?"
"Good taste, good taste. Favorite show?"
"Saved By The Bell."
"Zack or Slater?"
It was weird how she responded to that but...alright.
"What's your..."
"What's with the random questions?" She cut me off, amused.
"Well you're really quiet most the time and I just wanted to get to know you. That's all"
"You can ask me more personal stuff, if you'd like. I'm sure you're not really interested in my favorite color" Sam laughed.
"Not true. Little things like that can mean a lot, ya know."
"I guess but why would those little things about me mean a lot to you?"
"Because usually I don't care enough to ask people about those little things. But with you, I do. I don't know why though. You're just interesting I guess."
"That's definitely not what I expected to hear. If anything I thought I'd be far from interesting."
"Can I ask why you're so quiet all the time?" I asked.
"I don't really know to be honest. I just like it sometimes. Having that time to myself, you know?"
"Yeah, I get that. Everything in my life is sort of hectic so having it be quiet would definitely be nice." I said, looking down.
"I totally get that..." She replied.
"So tell me...do you really need help with math or did your spike of interest get you here?" She added.
I laughed before answering, "Well, I do suck at math and I desperately needed to bring my grade up but I guess your presence has contributed a bit."

I saw a flash of red run across her cheeks for a second and she quickly looked down, and smiled at the ground. I guess no one really talks to her much or bothers to get to know her that often. So me being so invested probably made her really happy.

"Well as much as I enjoy the quiet, I do enjoy having you around in here. I don't talk to a lot of people so the company's nice. It's nice having a frie- well, uh just having someone to work with." She said nervously.
"Friend. I'm your friend." I said smiling.
Her eyes wandered the room with a smile slowly creeping onto her face.
"Are you sure you wanna be my friend?" She asked.
"You're my friend. I'm your friend. We're friends now." I reassured her.
We smiled at each other and started to talk about what classes we had next and how excited we were about summer on its way.

Kate went to use the bathroom during lunch. She was gonna walk by Martin's room to wave at Deena as she passed by but as she was going to do so, she saw Sam and Deena talking and smiling at each other.
"Deena Johnson, I knew it wasn't about the math" She whispered to herself, grinning as she continued walking.


The bell rang. Sam and I gathered up our things.
"Well, I have to go to Bio." Sam stated.
"I have Health which is the same way so wanna walk together?" I asked.
Sam nodded and we walked down the halls together.
"So would you ever wanna like hang sometime?" I asked.
She looked at me, surprised but enthusiastic.
"Uh, sure? When?"
"Well my friends and I are going to see a movie tonight if you wanna come. Don't worry, they don't bite. Well, maybe but not you."
Sam laughed and told me that she would meet us at the theatre later that night. We parted ways and I was onto health where Simon and Kate also were.

"Hey guys" I said as I sat down.
"So what movie are we seeing tonight?" Simon asked.
"I was thinking Jurassic Park. It looks so cool, come on guys! Any movie with Samuel L. Jackson is a good one." He added.
"I'm down with that, I might have a heart attack while watching but I need a good thrill so why not?" Kate said.
"I invited Sam Fraser if that's alright with you guys. She's been with me in Martin's and she's actually really chill. She doesn't have a lot of friends either so I figured she'd tag along tonight."
Kate looked at me with an "I know what you're up to" look. She didn't say anything about that though. She just went on to say,
"Fraser? I mean yeah, that's fine. You know we don't mind who hangs with us as long as they're not like psychotic or whatever."
Simon agreed and we went on to learn about some boring shit in health. I was excited to hang with Sam tonight. I feel like if she's in a group environment with people who wanna be with her, she'll be more comfortable and open to letting her real self come through. People never give her a chance and I want to change that.

A/N: this chapter was shorter and not as fulfilling but I didn't want a huge build up before the hang out. I liked the awkwardness and shortness of this chapter since it sort of shows how the beginning of friend ships really are at first, before coming something huge which will be demonstrated later on in the following chapters :)

I Hear You (A Deena & Sam Story) Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora