2: The Biggest Fan

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A/N: The beginning (and as of right now) of this story takes place in early '93. Meaning, the gang is pretty much finishing their sophomore year since I'm assuming they were seniors from '94-'95.


I spent the night staring at my ceiling. I was listening to some tapes I made and just laid with my thoughts. For some reason, I couldn't keep my mind off of what I heard back at the restaurant. I know none of it is my business but I couldn't help but to feel curious about Samantha. If anything, I know what it's like to have a relationship with my parents that's not so perfect. But like I said before, it's none of my business and I should just stay out of it.

The Next Morning:

"Josh! Let's go!" I yelled.
Josh came up the stairs with his bag and the new clothes I had gotten him a few days back. I pay for some of his things sometimes when our dad won't. Though I'd enjoy having the money I make to myself, I'd rather support my brother when he needs it.
"Can you not scream all the time?" He complained.
"I'm your older sister, I have the right to yell at you whenever I want." I stated as I ruffled up his hair. He gave me an annoyed look and headed for the door. "So why'd you come home so late last night? I don't mind being alone but, it gets creepy around here sometimes." He asked while we walked to my car.
"Wait, you were alone? Dad said he was gonna be here last night so that's why I stayed out a little later."
"Well, he was. But after a little, he left to get beer. My guess is that he's somewhere on the side of the road downtown passed out or with that mistress he's been seeing in Sunnyvale...it's a toss up, really."
It always hurt whenever I heard Josh talk like that about our dad. Not that what he says isn't true...it's just that it is true. I've accepted it...but a part of me didn't want Josh to. Even though Josh and I are not far apart in age, I still was a little ahead to be able to steer him away from that part of our lives. But as we got older, obviously he started to seeing the reality. I just don't want him to think it's his.
"Whatever, I mean fuck him, I'm here now and remember, you're always welcome to come out with me and my friends. They're your friends too, ya know." I assured him.
"I know, thank you." He smiled as we drove off.

I pulled into the school parking lot. Josh and I parted our ways and I met with Simon and Kate at the stairs of the entrance.
"So I guess my dad bailed last night and left Josh alone. God I wish I knew, I would've dragged Josh to the game even though he doesn't give a single fuck for football. I know he likes being alone sometimes but not just like that."
"Oh shit, really? I mean he knows he can chill with us, right? Josh is cool as hell, we don't mind." Kate said.
"Yeah, he knows and I just reassured him of that on the way here. I dunno...I just worry about the kid sometimes and it pisses me off that my dad really just doesn't most of the time."
"I get that...I mean, dude, I've been supporting my family for a little while now. Worrying is one of the worst parts about it. All you want is just the best for everyone...it's hard when it's not going that way." Simon chimed in.
We just looked at each other, understanding one another and just looked down, wishing we could do more.
"Listen you guys, you're doing more than enough. Seriously. Don't beat yourselves up because I bet they're more than grateful to have you guys around. I mean, shit I know I am." Kate said.
We all exchanged smiles as Simon and I each put an arm around Kate.
"Thank you. We're grateful for you too, Kate." I said as we took a moment to really appreciate each other.
The bell rang soon after.
"Well losers, looks like another day at Shadyside High has started. Let's try to survive." Kate announced.
We walked up the steps, still latched on to each other and made our way to our classes.


I walked into my geometry class, sitting down in the back where I've always sat. I don't really have many friends beside Kate, Simon, and even Josh. Not that I care that much. I'd rather just mind my business and let the day go on as I observed quietly.
"Alright class, as you know, hopefully, we've started our unit on circles. I wrote a few equations down on the board, just get a piece of paper and solve them. I'll be walking around to check shortly." Miss. Martin announced.
I grabbed a piece of paper off her desk & we exchanged smiles. I sat down as I was tapped on the shoulder from a kid sitting near me. His name was Andrew.
"She's hot, right?" He asked.
"Who?" I replied concerned.
"Miss. Martin...I mean come on, early 30s, hot body, smart...you're into that, right?"
"Excuse me?"
"Oh come on Johnson, we all know you like pussy. No shame, I'm just like you in that case." He smirked.
"Do me a favor and shut the fuck up or else you'll HAVE a pussy by the end of this class."
He turned around after a few seconds in shock. I got comments like that all the time. It wasn't really a secret that I was into girls...though a part of me wanted it to be. I was a tomboy growing up and I never showed interest in boys. Soon enough, people put the pieces together and I became the town dyke. And as you can imagine, people were not nice about it. But it's whatever, I guess.

Miss. Martin walked around the room checking people's work. Correcting and showing them what to do next time. I looked back down at my paper and attempted to do the equations. I ended up just doodling on the corners of the paper.
"Miss. Fraser, I've noticed some improvement over the last couple classes. I'm glad you've been staying for lunch. You're really lifting yourself up here."
I looked up quickly as it clicked in my head. Fraser.
Samantha Fraser.
How did I never notice that she was in my class? Was she really that quiet? Has she always been in this period?
Tons of questions entered my mind as I was shocked. I mean how did I not notice after all this time? How did I eve-
"Johnson" my thoughts were soon interrupted by Martin.
"As much as I admire your art work, I'd also really like to see some work done. Your grade is safe at the moment but it's really easy to fall back so if you need anything, I'm here."
I nodded and proceeded to process what had just happened. I don't know why this girl was so interesting to me. Maybe it's the mysteriousness about her. Or maybe it's just me feeling the need to take care of everyone when I notice something off about them. Even people I don't know. Then, I had a thought.
I quickly grabbed Miss. Martin's arm as she turned to look at me. She smiled and asked what was up.

"Miss, may I stay for lunch?"

A/N: This story is for sure gonna be a long one but trust me, it's gonna be worth it. I really wanna make sure it's one to remember :)
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