Yangyang ;; He Misses Your Date

Start from the beginning

Y/n and the choreographer, Jaesong, were no stranger to each other. She went to school with his girlfriend for a bit until she transferred to another district because she moved away. So, the two were friends but of course, Y/n was closer to his girlfriend, Minkyung.

A few nights before, Y/n was talking to Minkyung about the date as she was ecstatic for it considering she could barely remember when the last time she and Yangyang went out together was. Minkyung told Jaesong about it, so he knew only half of the bits she knew as Minkyung didn't want to share too much, just in case.

"So Yangyang, how was your date with Y/n? Where'd you guys go to today?" Yangyang stared at Jaesong with a slightly confused face. "We uhm didn't go on the date today," he said while taking sips from his water bottle in between. "How'd you know we had a date today?" Jaesong took a gulp of water before replying. "Y/n called Minkyung a couple nights ago telling her about it. Minkyung only told me probably half of what she knew though so that's all I can tell you man. But that's a bummer you two didn't go out and have your fun today. Min told me Y/n was really excited for the date as it's been awhile since you and Y/n have gone out."

Yangyang sat in silence as he listened and thought about what Jaesong said, but his thoughts were soon interrupted by Jaesong standing up. "Well dude, it's getting late and we both needa get back to our girlfriends. So I'll see you whenever we have practice again," Jaesong waved off to Yangyang after grabbing his bag before leaving the room.

At this moment, Yangyang sat in the room alone while thinking about Y/n. Hearing Jaesong tell him that Y/n was so excited for the date just for it not to happen because he decided to work instead of being with her after who knows how long broke his own heart a bit. But only if he knew how much pain she was going through. He sighed to himself as he held his face in his hands before getting up from his seated position on the floor. He walked towards a table that had his stuff laying on top of it. He pushed all his belongings into the black bag and dialed a number before making his way out the building.

He quickly got into his car and started it up but just sat in the driver's seat, not doing anything but thinking. His mind kept going back to Jaesong talking about how excited Y/n was for the date the two were supposed to go on but didn't. He felt bad because knows how distant he's been with her and that they barely get to spend any time with each other due to his schedule and both of their jobs in general. "Fucking hell Yangyang.. You can't keep doing this to her..." he mumbled out to himself in a distressed voice.

Just the mere thought of Y/n leaving him terrified him. He couldn't imagine his life without her as they started out as childhood friends to now, lovers. She was there basically from the start and he didn't want to lose her because he couldn't give her the time and love she needed and deserved. He sat up from his slouched position over the steering wheel and drove to the nearest market from his and Y/n's shared apartment. He grabbed what could and what he knew she loved to eat before throwing them into a shopping basket. He made quick movements as he maneuvered through each aisle, wanting to just get home to his girlfriend that he was afraid of losing. The only things repeating in his head as he walked around were prayers that all of this would be enough.

He quickly brought up all the items to the register and paid for them, thanking the auntie that was working there that night. He took the two filled bags of items to his car and started it up again. While on his way back to the apartment, he stopped by a couple other stores that he knew were open. He rolled his windows down and let the breeze push his hair around while also cooling his body temperature down from earlier. It was giving him a sense of calmness to halt his hectic thoughts about her.

Without his realization as he was just focused on enjoying the breeze and the night drive, he pulled into the parking lot of the apartment complex. He parked in the slot closest to the entrance and grabbed the bags next to him before making his way inside the tall building. He took the elevator up to the fifth floor where their place was. He walked down the hall to their apartment number and unlocked the door. The rooms were dark as he entered and all he could hear was the sound of the aircons blowing.

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