Chapter 2

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"Y/N hurry up," a cold voice called.

You sighed. You mother was relentless. You were carrying most of luggage which consisted of 3 large and heavy suitcases while she only had a carry-on.

"I'm trying mom"

She rolled her eyes and huffed,"Try harder"

You hated this. If only you weren't so selfless maybe you wouldn't be carrying all of this. Your mother had claimed the whole trip from Iowa to New York had drained her and she just could handle all the luggage herself and of course because you were just too selfless you had said you could take it all.

But it seemed as if this was your life. Carrying her baggage around everywhere because she couldn't handle it.

You let out a dry laugh.

How ironic life is.
Moving to New York had always been planned. But what wasn't was your mother coming with you.

That fateful day the scholarship letter came to grace you, you thought you finally be free of the controlling clutches of your mother.

.....but life had other plans.

Coincidentally she had gotten a new job offer in New York.

You felt your soul deflate as she announced she had already found a new apartment for them.

This isn't the way things were supposed to go.

But when is the universe ever on your side?



You snapped out of your trance and tilted your head in question

Your mother huffed. "Do you ever pay attention? I told you to call a cab. I would do it but I don't know how."

And I do???

You plastered the fake smile that seemed to reign your face more often than not.

"Okay mom"

A wave of nervousness flooded your body. Negative thoughts immediately invaded your mind.

What if you do it wrong? What if you can't figure out how? What if everyone thinks you're stupid because you don't know how to do something so simple as calling a cab?

Your hand lightly trembled as you pathetically attempted to flag down a cab. Most of them ignored you. Your mother scoffed as more cabs passed without giving you a second glance.

"Get out of the way Y/N. Obviously, if you want things done you have to do it yourself."

You shrunk back. You had tried your best. But as always it wasn't good enough for her.

You watched as in the course of a minute a yellow cab pulled beside you and your mother got in leaving you to put the bags in the trunk by yourself.

Just like everything else you did in life.

By yourself.

Dear Mr. B (Rafael Barba X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now