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"Good thinking Wilby," Tommy said, punching his brother's arm as they reached the doors to the outside. They walked down the driveway, the older two filling Tommy in on them having to choose a spouse in three weeks or Phil would pick one for them. "Is that why the Lord was there then?" Tommy inquired as they reached the start of the Main Street.

"Yes," Techno confirmed as he adjusted his skull mask on his face. Whispers from the shopkeepers and people shopping followed them. It was no surprise though as the princes didn't come through the town very often. As they approached the center square music could be heard playing from a guitar. Children's laughter accompanying it.

They entered the square and found Helios sitting on a box on the side, playing the guitar while some of the village children danced around the relatively empty square, laughing and smiling. Helios had a wide grin on his face and Aster was dancing with the children, spinning the girls around and letting the boys spin her. Both of them were laughing and smiling. Sapnap and Karl were fighting over Quackity. Tubbo, Tommy's best friend was dancing with two other girls and a boy as they skipped around in a circle.

The royals went unnoticed as two more people arrived. "Hey, the Jones siblings are here!" One of the girls dancing with Tubbo called out. "Makayla come show off, Oliver don't you dare we all know you're a dancer!" The siblings laughed and Makayla, the younger of the two ran forwards and cartwheeled into a front handspring, landing perfectly and grinning at the group as the children cheered loudly, sweeping Makayla into their group of dancing.

The royals watched in silence until Helios noticed them and grinned cheekily, Techno only had time to say "Uh oh-" Before Helios shouted to the group.

"Guys! We got some friends that want to join you!" There were immediately children swarming the princes and pulling them to the center of the town square, forcing them to dance with them as they threatened to cry very loudly if they didn't. So here the princes were, hopping around, dancing with the younger and older kids of the village. One of the girls had asked Aster why Wilbur kept looking at her.

"Because he's my Prince Charming and he's jealous that all you are keeping me to yourselves." She told the girl, ruffling her blonde hair. Her eyes widened as she looked at Wilbur who hadn't heard what Aster had said.

The girl ran to all her friends and they ganged up on Wilbur, dragging him over to Aster. "Whoa- what-"

"Dance with your princess!" One of the girls scolded him as another scampered over to Helios. He leaned down as she whispered something into his ear. He grinned and nodded at the girl.

He switched songs, starting to play a much slower one. The waltz filled the town square and a couple of the older couples that were passing through, paused their shopping to dance with the kids.

"What did you tell that girl?" Wilbur whispered to Aster as they waltzed around the square.

Aster giggled and grinned sheepishly at Wilbur. "She asked me why you kept looking at me so I told her you were my Prince Charming and that you were jealous that everyone else was dancing with me." Wilbur went red at her words and she laughed at him.

"You weren't wrong..." He mumbled, making Aster laugh harder.


"Only for you." He winked and she laughed.

"That was terrible. Work on your flirting skills, they need practice."

"Excuse you I thought that was wonderful." Aster scoffed before breaking into laughter again, Wilbur joining her.

Everyone had paired up to waltz, though the children were mostly just spinning as much as they could. Techno was sitting next to Helios and refused to move. Tubbo was dancing with one of the girls he had been dancing with within a quad earlier, she had brown hair with purple tips. The tall boy that Tubbo and the purple girl were dancing with was dancing with the second girl from their quad, she was much much shorter than him and he practically picked her up when they spun. Both were laughing uncontrollably.

Tommy had been whisked away to dance with Makayla, neither of them had been dancing with someone and Makayla had raced up to him grabbing his wrist and pulling him into the square to dance, not taking no for an answer. Everyone was smiling and laughing as Helios played. They danced until the sun was high in the sky and all the children had fallen to the ground, their vision spinning. Helios was laughing at the children as he set his guitar down and picked up a young girl with ebony hair similar to his and Sapnap's.

He rested the girl against his hip as she lolled her head backward with a groan and a laugh mixed into one. Helios's smile was contagious and Techno felt himself smiling as he watched him bounce the girl up and down making her scream for him to stop as she laughed. Soon though, parents came to find their children and one by one the children left to go home, waving goodbye to the older kids and young adults. Helios talked with a few of the parents with a smile before they too left and he walked back over to Techno with a lopsided grin on his face.

He bowed down low, "Your Highness I would be ever so honored if you would accept a dance with me?" He inquired, tilting his head up, still in the bow. Techno smiled, heart-squeezing as he looked over the male before him.

"With such a simple commoner?" Techno asked mockingly, "I might just have to-" He caught sight of Helios's crossed fingers behind his back. "-Accept." Helios started to jump up and down but stopped himself with an awkward cough and held out his hand for Techno to take. Techno laughed and grabbed his hand.

"Who's leading?" Helios asked as they stepped into the square.

"Whoever gets spun first is the one not leading."

"Deal." They danced for a little bit until the spin came up but Techno beat Helios to it, being slightly taller he had a bit of an advantage. Helios cursed lightly under his breath but accepted Techno's lead and they continued smoothly. They danced for a while until Wilbur came back with Tommy in tow.

"Techno!" The two males stopped dancing and turned to face the younger twin. "We need to get going, the sun is going down." Wilbur and Tommy both looked disappointed to be leaving. Aster and Makayla were walking away together meaning the boys had been hanging out with the two until Wilbur saw the sun.

"Ok, one moment, I'll catch up with you." Wilbur nodded and he and Tommy started off towards the castle.

"We didn't get to talk," Helios mumbled as he and Techno started off at a slower pace than the other two princes.


"We'll find each other tomorrow, I may or may not be in the training pit early on to train with some friends," Helios told him with a small smirk. Techno nodded.

"I'll see you tomorrow then." The two stopped and Helios looked up a bit to look him in his eyes, well, kind of, his mask was in the way. Helios sighed and reached up, adjusting Techno's mask a bit.

"See you tomorrow Tech."

"See you," Techno said wistfully as Helios walked back the way they came, hands shoved in his pockets. Techno sighed again and walked after his brothers, back towards the palace. Today had been the most fun he was sure he and his brothers had had in a long time.

That night, Techno brushed his hair out, detangling it, it felt like Helios should be with him though. He crawled into bed and turned to face the window. Again, he felt oddly alone.

Helios was having a similar experience back at his own home. He ended up brushing through a tangled mess of string when Mrs. Thompson had used to try to teach him knitting last year. It made him feel a bit better but he was still lonely.

Hopelessly in Love |{ Technoblade x Male Oc}| Royalty AuWhere stories live. Discover now