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Techno straightened his crown and mask before pushing open the double doors into the grand room, the throne room, where his father had summoned him. He closed the door and it echoed loudly in the high ceilinged room. His father's attention was diverted to the doors where he smiled upon sight of Techno. Wilbur, Techno's twin, was already here and waiting. Tommy wasn't here which meant that Techno now had reason to be slightly worried.

"Techno!" Phil called, "Join us!" Even though Techno had no choice his father still called for him. As he stepped up next to Wilbur the two shared thin-lipped smiles.

Phil clasped his hands together. "My sons. I have called you both here today because it has reached the time of your 21st birthday's." It was actually a few days ago and Phil had forgotten for the majority of the day. "As per tradition, both of you need to pick a bride." Both boys tensed. "I will give you three weeks to select a bride of your choice before I must select one for you." Techno frowned at the word 'bride'

"I don't want a wife." He spoke up, immediately biting his tongue in regret as Phil turned to him.

"It's customary that you marry Techno-"

"I don't mind getting married but I don't want a wife."

"Techno that doesn't even make sense-"

"It makes perfect sense." He interrupted with a scowl.

Phil flung his arms with exasperation "Well then who do you want to marry?!"

Helios prepared himself, leaning forwards slightly as his cousin prepared as well, Karl was on the side counting down. At the "GO!" From Karl the cousins sprinted forwards, feet slipping a bit in the sand.

The two hopped over wooden beams. As they reached the metal bars Helios grabbed them, swung himself upwards and climbed onto them, running across them while his cousin was left going across them like monkey bars. "HOW THE FUCK DO YOU DO THAT?!" His cousin shouted as Helios hit the ground with a roll.

"Sorry Sap! I'm just better than you!"

There was an annoyed huff from Sapnap as he hit the ground as Helios hopped over another beam. Quackity (Alex, but everyone called him Quackity) began to circle the lever, causing the bars to spin in a circle around the centre. Helios jumped up and grabbed one, letting it pull him around the other side, Sapnap not far behind him.

Helios landed sloppily though and Sapnap caught up. Now the two were neck and neck as they raced through the sand, Karl and Quackity cheering Sapnap on. In a desperate effort to win, Sapnap tripped Helios. It worked, just not in his favour as Helios rolled forwards and crossed the finish line a second ahead of his cousin. Sapnap groaned and hunched over, hands on his knees as he panted for breath.

Helios just lay in the sand, chest heaving up and down as he caught his breath, eyes closed to keep out the sand. "Hey" A shadow fell over Helios's face and he opened his eyes to see Techno leaning over him slightly with a small smile on his face, he was upside down to Helios and Helios grinned.

"Hey, Tech. How you doin'?"

"Better than you by the looks of it."

"Nah, I'm on top of the world right now!" Helios crowed, "I just won!"

Sapnap fake gagged from the side and Helios whipped his head over to the right to face his cousin. "Well exCUSe mE, why don't I just get Karl and Quackity over here and you can complain about-"

"Alright, I get it!" Sapnap shouted, blushing madly as he kicked sand at Helios who immediately sat up, sputtering and coughing as he got the sand out of his mouth. Helios coughed once more before glaring at Sapnap. He chucked a handful of sand at his cousin. Sapnap skittered backwards and flipped him off before going to join Karl and Quackity.

"Bleh." Helios groaned as he stuck out his tongue. "I'm gonna taste sand for days." Techno chuckled, still standing behind Helios.

Helios stood up and a wave of sand fell off of him, making a soft hiss as it hit the ground. "Disgusting," Techno stated blandly.

Helios scoffed and gave a dramatic wounded gaze to Techno. "Whatever. At least the sand loves me." He fell back down into the sand as Techno laughed. He sat up after a moment and a new wave of sand fell off of him as he brushed himself off, gaining his balance again.

"It's in your hair."

"No duh." Helios scoffed with a cheeky grin at Techno. He backed away from the prince a bit and shook his head, ruffling a hand through his hair, sand flying everywhere.

Once he had gotten as much sand off himself as possible he and Techno started walking back towards the entrance to the palace closest to them. "So. Is there a special occasion from coming to watch me epically win against my dear cousin?" Helios asked Techno as they walked.

"You only won because he tripped you-"

"nO- I would have won either way!" Helios exclaimed.

"Sure." Helios huffed with a frown. "Anyway-"

"Oh dear. That was a garden time 'anyway'" Helios said and grabbed Techno's hand, dragging him towards the palace gardens. Techno fought the butterflies in his stomach as Helios held his hand. Stupid cheesy freaking butterflies.

Helios pushed open the gate and pulled Techno over to the fountain and they sat on the edge. Helios didn't let go of Techno's hand so Techno made no move to move his hand away, enjoying the familiar warmth of Helios.

"Alright tell me what's up."

Hopelessly in Love |{ Technoblade x Male Oc}| Royalty AuWhere stories live. Discover now