Taylor and Rider

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Not long after Lauren and her friends leave, Jessie comes up with his two friends.
"Hey girls, hope we're not intruding. Rider," Rider who has brown hair, glassy brown eyes, and is wearing tight skinny jeans and a white tank that shows off every muscle in his body. "Taylor," Taylor has dirty blonde hair and greenish blue eyes, with a perfectly toned body. "and I were passing by and saw you. We were wondering if we could join."
I cuss them out in my head, because I'm me and that's what I do when anyone of the male species.
"We'd love you too." Haven says in her princess tone which makes Jessie smile. As the three of us shift over so they can set Mia and I start giggling. We both know that Haven and Jessie like each other.
Jessie and Taylor set down next to Haven. While Rider sets with Mia and I.

Note: I know it's short but I'm trying to get into this writing and keep it for you guys. And I put some thought into it, it's hard developing characters and stuff like that. So, if you have any issues keep in mind, I didn't tell you to read this. You chose to, and you're welcome to stop at any time.

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