~Chapter 15~

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Lorraine's POV
We brought Judy back home, and then I made dinner. Ed was painting, and Judy was drawing. I recognized a few bruises on Judy's arm.

"What did you do? How did you get those?", I asked her.

"That's weird, I didn't fall or anything", she answered.

I checked her legs, and it was full of them. I got really worried.

"Ed?", I yelled.

Ed came running into the kitchen and asked what was going on. I showed him the bruises. We didn't know what to do. It was a chance that Judy was about to get possessed again, but we wouldn't dare perform an exorcism. It could end horribly wrong. And once an exorcism starts, you'll have to continue until you're done. We chose to wait a little longer before we made a decision. An exorcism could only make it worse. Ed gave Judy a bottle of holy water for when she ended up alone and really needed it.

It was Saturday, so that day we drove to the grocery store and bought Judy a lollipop. She got very happy.  When we got back home, I sat down reading a book while Ed and Judy played a board game together. We let Judy sleep in her own bed that night, but she had to promise us to let us know if something was happening. She also had the holy water.

Everything just got worse and worse. She got bruises, she heard voices, she got dragged out of her bed at night, and so much more. One night, she screamed. We ran into her room to see what was going on. She just sat there looking at us. Her eyes turned all white, and she levitated into the air. She then got thrown into a wall, and she got totally out of control.

"Lorraine! Call father Gordon, now!", Ed yelled.

I ran down to the living room, typed in the numbers and called. Luckily, he answered the phone. He got here as soon as possible. Ed and I tried to hold Judy still, but in a painless way. The demon always tried to fight against us, and suddenly, it made Judy to throw away Ed so he almost landed on his neck.

"Ed! Are you okay?", I asked.

"I'm fine, just don't let go of her", he said.

It wasn't a good feeling to know that Judy was suffering. And it was also not a good feeling to know that it could have ended horribly wrong. I could have lost my daughter that night. Or my husband.

The demon was trying to make me feel so bad for Judy that we stopped.

"Mom, it hurts, help me!", Judy cried.

But we knew that stopping only got her killed.

"Our father who art in Heaven", Father Gordon started.

Judy started levitate again.

"Judy, I know you're in there somewhere! You need to fight it! Before it's too late! You are strong, and you're brave, and we're not gonna let you leave us! You can't let it win! If you go, then your dad and I will be heartbroken! You are the most important person in our life, and we love you so much. You hear me? We love you! Mom and dad loves you!", I yelled.

Suddenly, she stopped screaming and fighting. She fell down, and passed out. We tried so hard to wake her up, but it wasn't easy. We thought we had lost our little angel. I started to cry hysterically.

"Judy, honey, you need to wake up! Judy! You need to stay with us! Dear God, I'm begging you", I cried.

Suddenly, she opened her eyes and started coughing so bad. She survived. We all got so happy. I pulled her close to me and hugged her tight. We thanked Father Gordon for helping us save her soul.

He left, and then I went downstairs and into the kitchen to make Judy something to eat. We made sure she was okay, put her to bed, and then we went to bed ourselves. Ed kissed me good night before I fell asleep that night.

Author's note
Thank you so much for reading, I really hope you enjoyed! Stay safe <3

-Kristina Leonora

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 25, 2022 ⏰

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