~Chapter 11~

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Lorraine's POV
The next morning, Judy looked upset when she came downstairs. She didn't even say good morning. She went to the kitchen and found herself a glass of juice and some cereals.

"Honey, I'm really sorry about yesterday. I didn't want to make you upset.. It's just.. the only way you learn", I explained.

"It's okay", she said.

"Your dad and I are going on a quick trip to the store, do you think you'll be able to stay home alone?", I asked.

"Yes", she answered.

"Are you sure? Daddy or I can stay with you while the other is gone if you don't think you can do it", I told her.

"No, it's fine", she said.

"Great, we'll be back in an hour or something", I said and went to get my coat and my purse.

Ed and I left Judy alone at home.

Judy's POV
I was just about to do my homework, when I heard a sound coming from the basement. My parents always told me not to go down there, but I got so curious. I walked downstairs and I saw the demon nun standing there. I took down the cross that hang on the wall right next to me, but before I were able to show it to the entity, the lights went out.

Lorraine's POV
Ed and I came home, and found Judy laying in the basement right outside of the artifact room. Some disgusting stuff came out of her mouth.

"I'm calling an ambulance", Ed ran upstairs.

The ambulance came and picked up Judy, I didn't want to leave her so I came with her in the ambulance. Ed took the car. Judy were unconscious. I got really worried about her. What if she didn't make it? I didn't even know what was going on with her.

Judy's POV
I woke up in a hospital bed. My mom held my hand.

"Oh, thank God you're awake!", mom said.

Suddenly, dad came. He looked really worried.

"How are you, kiddo?", he asked.

"I don't know", I answered.

"Sweetie, I need you to tell me exactly what happened", mom said.

I couldn't tell them what happened. The demon wouldn't let me. It wanted to turn me against them, and ruin our relationship.

"No, mom", I said.

"Judy", she locked eyes with me.

I could hear the demon telling me to lie, and say that I went into the artifact room. I had no choice but to do it. I was afraid it would kill me or my parents.

"I'm sorry, mom.. I went into the artifact room", I explained.

"Ugh, Judy! We've talked about this a hundreds of times, you can't go in there", mom got mad.

"I'm sorry", I said.

"It's okay, honey, but you need to promise me not to do it again", she said.

The demon wanted to destroy our relationship, so it told me not to promise.

"I can't promise anything", I explained.

"Judy, you need to promise me not to do it", mom repeated.

I didn't answer.

"Alright then, you're grounded for the whole summer", she said.

I got really upset. I didn't want to do as the demon said, I was just afraid someone would get hurt. I even knew that the more I obey the demon, the more it gets control. And then it might possess my body.

"I'm really disappointed at you, young lady", mommy said.

Father Gordon came later that day, and he prayed for me, and blessed me. Unfortunately that didn't stop the demon from talking through my mind. Mom and dad stayed at the hospital with me that night, they didn't want to leave me.

Lorraine's POV
The next day, we all went back home. While we ate dinner, Judy didn't want to eat.

"Honey, why aren't you eating?", I asked.

She didn't answer.

"Judy, answer me", I said.

"Ugh, shut up!", she yelled.

"Judy Warren? You need to behave, young lady!", I raised my voice.

Ed just sat there looking shocked. But then he finally said something.

"Judy, you need to apologize to your mother", he said.

Judy rolled her eyes, but at the same time, I could see something was wrong. Like she didn't want to do it.

"Hey.. Judy.. is a demon doing this to you?", I asked.

"No", she answered.

Her aura turned red. I could tell a demon wanted to break her spirit. The whole family's. I sighed.

"Go to your room", I said.

Judy did as I said and went upstairs to her room. She stayed there the whole night. I started crying a little. Ed stood up from his chair and held around me.

Judy's POV
I cried myself to sleep that night. I was so sad, and so felt really bad after saying those things to my mom. They even stated with me at the hospital, they didn't deserve this. I were so afraid to tell them about Valak, I was afraid the would die or something. So there I laid in the bed, all alone.

Author's note
I hope you liked the chapter, Lucas helped me planning the chapter again.

-Kristina Leonora

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